Thrill  0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * thrill/net/collective.hpp
3  *
4  * net::Group is a collection of net::Connections providing simple MPI-like
5  * collectives and point-to-point communication.
6  *
7  * Part of Project Thrill -
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2015 Robert Hangu <[email protected]>
10  * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Timo Bingmann <[email protected]>
11  * Copyright (C) 2015 Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider <[email protected]>
12  * Copyright (C) 2017 Nejmeddine Douma <[email protected]>
13  *
14  * All rights reserved. Published under the BSD-2 license in the LICENSE file.
15  ******************************************************************************/
17 #pragma once
22 #include <thrill/net/group.hpp>
23 #include <tlx/math/ffs.hpp>
28 #include <functional>
30 namespace thrill {
31 namespace net {
33 //! \addtogroup net_layer
34 //! \{
36 /******************************************************************************/
37 // Prefixsum Algorithms
39 /*!
40  * Calculate for every worker his prefix sum.
41  *
42  * The prefix sum is the aggregation of the values of all workers with lesser
43  * index, including himself, according to a summation operator. The run-time is
44  * in O(log n).
45  *
46  * \param value The value to be summed up
47  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
48  * \param initial Initial value of prefix sum
49  * \param inclusive Inclusive prefix sum if true (default)
50  */
51 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
52 void Group::PrefixSumDoubling(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op,
53  const T& initial, bool inclusive) {
54  static constexpr bool debug = false;
56  bool first = true;
58  if (my_host_rank() == 0)
59  value = sum_op(initial, value);
61  // Use a copy, in case of exclusive, we have to forward
62  // something that's not our result.
63  T to_forward = value;
65  // This is based on the pointer-doubling algorithm presented in the ParAlg
66  // script, which is used for list ranking.
67  for (size_t d = 1; d < num_hosts(); d <<= 1) {
69  if (my_host_rank() + d < num_hosts()) {
70  sLOG << "Host" << my_host_rank()
71  << ": sending to" << my_host_rank() + d;
72  SendTo(my_host_rank() + d, to_forward);
73  }
75  if (my_host_rank() >= d) {
76  T recv_value;
77  ReceiveFrom(my_host_rank() - d, &recv_value);
78  sLOG << "Host" << my_host_rank()
79  << ": receiving from" << my_host_rank() - d;
81  // Take care of order, so we don't break associativity.
82  to_forward = sum_op(recv_value, to_forward);
84  if (!first || inclusive) {
85  value = sum_op(recv_value, value);
86  }
87  else {
88  value = recv_value;
89  first = false;
90  }
91  }
92  }
94  // set worker 0's value for exclusive prefixsums
95  if (!inclusive && my_host_rank() == 0)
96  value = initial;
97 }
99 /*!
100  * \brief Calculate for every worker his prefix sum. Works only for worker
101  * numbers which are powers of two.
102  *
103  * \details The prefix sum is an aggregatation of the values of all workers with
104  * smaller index, including itself, according to an associative summation
105  * operator. This function currently only supports worker numbers which are
106  * powers of two.
107  *
108  * \param value The value to be summed up
109  *
110  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
111  */
112 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
113 void Group::PrefixSumHypercube(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
114  T total_sum = value;
116  static constexpr bool debug = false;
118  for (size_t d = 1; d < num_hosts(); d <<= 1)
119  {
120  // communication peer for this round (hypercube dimension)
121  size_t peer = my_host_rank() ^ d;
123  // Send total sum of this hypercube to worker with id = id XOR d
124  if (peer < num_hosts()) {
125  SendTo(peer, total_sum);
126  sLOG << "PREFIX_SUM: host" << my_host_rank()
127  << ": sending to peer" << peer;
128  }
130  // Receive total sum of smaller hypercube from worker with id = id XOR d
131  T recv_data;
132  if (peer < num_hosts()) {
133  ReceiveFrom(peer, &recv_data);
134  // The order of addition is important. The total sum of the smaller
135  // hypercube always comes first.
136  if (my_host_rank() & d)
137  total_sum = sum_op(recv_data, total_sum);
138  else
139  total_sum = sum_op(total_sum, recv_data);
140  // Variable 'value' represents the prefix sum of this worker
141  if (my_host_rank() & d)
142  // The order of addition is respected the same way as above.
143  value = sum_op(recv_data, value);
144  sLOG << "PREFIX_SUM: host" << my_host_rank()
145  << ": received from peer" << peer;
146  }
147  }
149  sLOG << "PREFIX_SUM: host" << my_host_rank() << ": done";
150 }
152 //! select prefixsum implementation (often due to total number of processors)
153 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
154 void Group::PrefixSumSelect(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op,
155  const T& initial, bool inclusive) {
156  return PrefixSumDoubling(value, sum_op, initial, inclusive);
157 }
159 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
160 void Group::PrefixSum(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op, const T& initial) {
161  return PrefixSumSelect(value, sum_op, initial, true);
162 }
164 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
165 void Group::ExPrefixSum(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op, const T& initial) {
166  return PrefixSumSelect(value, sum_op, initial, false);
167 }
169 /******************************************************************************/
170 // Broadcast Algorithms
172 /*!
173  * Broadcasts the value of the peer with index 0 to all the others. This is a
174  * trivial broadcast from peer 0.
175  *
176  * \param value The value to be broadcast / receive into.
177  *
178  * \param origin The PE to broadcast value from.
179  */
180 template <typename T>
181 void Group::BroadcastTrivial(T& value, size_t origin) {
183  if (my_host_rank() == origin) {
184  // send value to all peers
185  for (size_t p = 0; p < num_hosts(); ++p) {
186  if (p != origin)
187  SendTo(p, value);
188  }
189  }
190  else {
191  // receive from origin
192  ReceiveFrom(origin, &value);
193  }
194 }
196 /*!
197  * Broadcasts the value of the worker with index "origin" to all the
198  * others. This is a binomial tree broadcast method.
199  *
200  * \param value The value to be broadcast / receive into.
201  *
202  * \param origin The PE to broadcast value from.
203  */
204 template <typename T>
205 void Group::BroadcastBinomialTree(T& value, size_t origin) {
206  static constexpr bool debug = false;
208  size_t num_hosts = this->num_hosts();
209  // calculate rank in cyclically shifted binomial tree
210  size_t my_rank = (my_host_rank() + num_hosts - origin) % num_hosts;
211  size_t r = 0, d = 1;
212  // receive from predecessor
213  if (my_rank > 0) {
214  // our predecessor is p with the lowest one bit flipped to zero. this
215  // also counts the number of rounds we have to send out messages later.
216  r = tlx::ffs(my_rank) - 1;
217  d <<= r;
218  size_t from = ((my_rank ^ d) + origin) % num_hosts;
219  sLOG << "Broadcast: rank" << my_rank << "receiving from" << from
220  << "in round" << r;
221  ReceiveFrom(from, &value);
222  }
223  else {
224  d = tlx::round_up_to_power_of_two(num_hosts);
225  }
226  // send to successors
227  for (d >>= 1; d > 0; d >>= 1, ++r) {
228  if (my_rank + d < num_hosts) {
229  size_t to = (my_rank + d + origin) % num_hosts;
230  sLOG << "Broadcast: rank" << my_rank << "round" << r << "sending to"
231  << to;
232  SendTo(to, value);
233  }
234  }
235 }
237 //! select broadcast implementation (often due to total number of processors)
238 template <typename T>
239 void Group::BroadcastSelect(T& value, size_t origin) {
240  return BroadcastBinomialTree(value, origin);
241 }
243 /*!
244  * Broadcasts the value of the worker with index 0 to all the others. This is a
245  * binomial tree broadcast method.
246  *
247  * \param value The value to be broadcast / receive into.
248  *
249  * \param origin The PE to broadcast value from.
250  */
251 template <typename T>
252 void Group::Broadcast(T& value, size_t origin) {
253  return BroadcastSelect(value, origin);
254 }
256 /******************************************************************************/
257 // AllGather Algorithms
259 template <typename T>
261  size_t num_hosts = this->num_hosts();
262  size_t my_rank = my_host_rank();
263  size_t d = tlx::integer_log2_ceil(num_hosts);
265  for (size_t j = 0; j < d; ++j) {
266  size_t peer = my_rank ^ (0x1 << j);
267  // index of first element to be sent
268  size_t snd_pos = (~((0x1 << j) - 1) & my_rank) * n;
269  // index of first element to be received
270  size_t rcv_pos = (~((0x1 << j) - 1) & peer) * n;
271  // number of elements to be sent/received
272  size_t ins_n = (0x1 << j) * n;
274  connection(peer).SendReceive(values + snd_pos, values + rcv_pos, ins_n);
275  }
276 }
278 template <typename T>
279 void Group::AllGatherBruck(T* values, size_t n) {
280  size_t num_hosts = this->num_hosts();
281  size_t my_rank = my_host_rank();
282  size_t size = num_hosts * n;
283  std::vector<T> temp(size);
285  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
286  temp[i] = values[i];
287  }
289  for (size_t j = 0; (0x1U << j) < num_hosts; ++j) {
290  size_t snd_peer = (my_rank + num_hosts - (0x1 << j)) % num_hosts;
291  size_t rcv_peer = (my_rank + (0x1 << j)) % num_hosts;
292  // position for received data
293  size_t ins_pos = (0x1 << j) * n;
294  // number of elements to be sent/received
295  size_t ins_n = std::min((0x1 << j) * n, size - ins_pos);
297  if ((0x1 << j) & my_rank) {
298  connection(rcv_peer).ReceiveN( + ins_pos, ins_n);
299  connection(snd_peer).SendN(, ins_n);
300  }
301  else {
302  connection(snd_peer).SendN(, ins_n);
303  connection(rcv_peer).ReceiveN( + ins_pos, ins_n);
304  }
305  }
307  // local reorder: shift whole array by my_rank*n to the right
308  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
309  values[i] = temp[(i + size - my_rank * n) % size];
310  }
311 }
313 /******************************************************************************/
314 // Reduce Algorithms
316 /*!
317  * \brief Perform a reduction on all workers in a group.
318  *
319  * \details This function aggregates the values of all workers in the group
320  * according with a specified reduction operator. The result will be returned in
321  * the input variable at the root node.
322  *
323  * \param value The input value to be used in the reduction. Will be overwritten
324  * with the result (on the root) or arbitrary data (on other ranks).
325  *
326  * \param root The rank of the root
327  *
328  * \param sum_op A custom reduction operator (optional)
329  */
330 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
331 void Group::Reduce(T& value, size_t root, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
332  static constexpr bool debug = false;
333  const size_t num_hosts = this->num_hosts();
334  const size_t my_rank = my_host_rank() + num_hosts;
335  const size_t shifted_rank = (my_rank - root) % num_hosts;
336  sLOG << my_host_rank() << "shifted_rank" << shifted_rank;
338  for (size_t d = 1; d < num_hosts; d <<= 1) {
339  if (shifted_rank & d) {
340  sLOG << "Reduce" << my_host_rank()
341  << "->" << (my_rank - d) % num_hosts << "/"
342  << shifted_rank << "->" << shifted_rank - d;
343  SendTo((my_rank - d) % num_hosts, value);
344  break;
345  }
346  else if (shifted_rank + d < num_hosts) {
347  sLOG << "Reduce" << my_host_rank()
348  << "<-" << (my_rank + d) % num_hosts << "/"
349  << shifted_rank << "<-" << shifted_rank + d;
350  T recv_data;
351  ReceiveFrom((my_rank + d) % num_hosts, &recv_data);
352  value = sum_op(value, recv_data);
353  }
354  }
355 }
357 /******************************************************************************/
358 // AllReduce Algorithms
360 /*!
361  * Perform an All-Reduce on the workers. This is done by aggregating all values
362  * according to a summation operator and sending them backto all workers.
363  *
364  * \param value The value to be added to the aggregation
365  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
366  */
367 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
368 void Group::AllReduceSimple(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
369  Reduce(value, 0, sum_op);
370  Broadcast(value, 0);
371 }
373 /*!
374  * Broadcasts the value of the peer with index 0 to all the others. This is a
375  * trivial broadcast from peer 0.
376  *
377  * \param value The value to be broadcast / receive into.
378  *
379  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
380  */
381 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
382 void Group::AllReduceAtRoot(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
384  if (my_host_rank() == 0) {
385  // receive value from all peers
386  for (size_t p = 1; p < num_hosts(); ++p) {
387  T recv_value;
388  ReceiveFrom(p, &recv_value);
389  value = sum_op(value, recv_value);
390  }
391  // send reduced value back to all peers
392  for (size_t p = 1; p < num_hosts(); ++p) {
393  SendTo(p, value);
394  }
395  }
396  else {
397  // send to root host
398  SendTo(0, value);
399  // receive value back from root
400  ReceiveFrom(0, &value);
401  }
402 }
404 /*!
405  * Perform an All-Reduce for powers of two. This is done with the Hypercube
406  * algorithm from the ParAlg script.
407  *
408  * \note This method is no longer used, but it is kept here for reference
409  *
410  * \param value The value to be added to the aggregation
411  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
412  */
413 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
414 void Group::AllReduceHypercube(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
415  // For each dimension of the hypercube, exchange data between workers with
416  // different bits at position d
418  // static constexpr bool debug = false;
420  for (size_t d = 1; d < num_hosts(); d <<= 1) {
421  // communication peer for this round (hypercube dimension)
422  size_t peer = my_host_rank() ^ d;
424  // SendReceive value to worker with id id ^ d
425  if (peer < num_hosts()) {
426  // LOG << "ALL_REDUCE_HYPERCUBE: Host" << my_host_rank()
427  // << ": Sending" << value << " to worker" << peer;
429  // The order of addition is important. The total sum of the smaller
430  // hypercube always comes first.
431  T recv_data;
432  if (my_host_rank() & d) {
433  connection(peer).SendReceive(&value, &recv_data);
434  value = sum_op(recv_data, value);
435  }
436  else {
437  connection(peer).ReceiveSend(value, &recv_data);
438  value = sum_op(value, recv_data);
439  }
441  // LOG << "ALL_REDUCE_HYPERCUBE: Host " << my_host_rank()
442  // << ": Received " << recv_data
443  // << " from worker " << peer << " value = " << value;
444  }
445  }
446 }
448 /*!
449  * Perform an All-Reduce using the elimination protocol described in
450  * R. Rabenseifner and J. L. Traeff. "More Efficient Reduction Algorithms for
451  * Non-Power-of-Two Number of Processors in Message-Passing Parallel Systems."
452  * In Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface,
453  * 36–46. LNCS 3241. Springer, 2004.
454  *
455  * \param value The value to be added to the aggregation
456  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
457  */
458 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
459 void Group::AllReduceElimination(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
461  my_host_rank(), 1, num_hosts(), 0, value, sum_op);
462 }
464 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
465 T Group::SendReceiveReduce(size_t peer, const T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
466  T recv_data;
467  if (my_host_rank() > peer) {
468  connection(peer).SendReceive(&value, &recv_data);
469  return sum_op(recv_data, value);
470  }
471  else {
472  connection(peer).ReceiveSend(value, &recv_data);
473  return sum_op(value, recv_data);
474  }
475 }
477 //! used for the recursive implementation of the elimination protocol
478 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
480  size_t host_id, size_t group_size, size_t remaining_hosts,
481  size_t send_to, T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
483  // static const bool debug = false;
485  // send_to == 0 => no eliminated host waiting to receive from current host,
486  // host 0 is never eliminated
488  size_t group_count = remaining_hosts / group_size;
489  if (group_count % 2 == 0) {
490  // only hypercube
491  size_t peer = host_id ^ group_size;
492  if (peer < remaining_hosts) {
493  value = SendReceiveReduce(peer, value, sum_op);
494  }
495  }
496  else {
497  // check if my rank is in 3-2 elimination zone
498  size_t host_group = host_id / group_size;
499  if (host_group >= group_count - 3) {
500  // take part in the 3-2 elimination
501  if (host_group == group_count - 1) {
502  size_t peer = (host_id ^ group_size) - 2 * group_size;
503  SendTo(peer, value);
504  ReceiveFrom(peer, &value);
505  }
506  else if (host_group == group_count - 2) {
507  size_t peer = (host_id ^ group_size) + 2 * group_size;
509  T recv_data;
510  ReceiveFrom(peer, &recv_data);
511  if (my_host_rank() > peer)
512  value = sum_op(recv_data, value);
513  else
514  value = sum_op(value, recv_data);
516  // important for gathering
517  send_to = peer;
519  peer = host_id ^ group_size;
520  value = SendReceiveReduce(peer, value, sum_op);
521  }
522  else if (host_group == group_count - 3) {
523  size_t peer = host_id ^ group_size;
524  value = SendReceiveReduce(peer, value, sum_op);
525  }
526  }
527  else {
528  // no elimination, execute hypercube
529  size_t peer = host_id ^ group_size;
530  if (peer < remaining_hosts) {
531  value = SendReceiveReduce(peer, value, sum_op);
532  }
533  }
534  remaining_hosts -= group_size;
535  }
536  group_size <<= 1;
538  // recursion
539  if (group_size < remaining_hosts) {
541  host_id, group_size, remaining_hosts, send_to,
542  value, sum_op);
543  }
544  else if (send_to != 0) {
545  SendTo(send_to, value);
546  }
547 }
549 //! select allreduce implementation (often due to total number of processors)
550 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
551 void Group::AllReduceSelect(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
552  // always use 3-2-elimination reduction method.
553  AllReduceElimination(value, sum_op);
554  /*if (tlx::is_power_of_two(num_hosts()))
555  AllReduceHypercube(value, sum_op);
556  else
557  AllReduceAtRoot(value, sum_op);*/
558 }
560 /*!
561  * Perform an All-Reduce on the workers. This is done by aggregating all values
562  * according to a summation operator and sending them backto all workers.
563  *
564  * \param value The value to be added to the aggregation
565  * \param sum_op A custom summation operator
566  */
567 template <typename T, typename BinarySumOp>
568 void Group::AllReduce(T& value, BinarySumOp sum_op) {
569  return AllReduceSelect(value, sum_op);
570 }
572 //! \}
574 } // namespace net
575 } // namespace thrill
579 /******************************************************************************/
#define sLOG
Default logging method: output if the local debug variable is true.
Definition: logger.hpp:34
void BroadcastSelect(T &value, size_t origin=0)
select broadcast implementation (often due to total number of processors)
Definition: collective.hpp:239
std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type ReceiveSend(const T &value, T *out_value)
Definition: connection.hpp:296
double T
static unsigned ffs(int i)
find first set bit in integer, or zero if none are set.
Definition: ffs.hpp:79
virtual Connection & connection(size_t id)=0
Return Connection to client id.
void ExPrefixSum(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp(), const T &initial=T())
Calculate exclusive prefix sum.
Definition: collective.hpp:165
void AllReduceHypercube(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Perform an All-Reduce for powers of two.
Definition: collective.hpp:414
void BroadcastBinomialTree(T &value, size_t origin=0)
Broadcasts the value of the worker with index "origin" to all the others.
Definition: collective.hpp:205
void AllReduce(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Reduce a value from all workers to all workers.
Definition: collective.hpp:568
int value
std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type SendN(const T *value, size_t n)
Definition: connection.hpp:462
void SendTo(size_t dest, const T &data)
Sends a serializable type to the given peer.
Definition: group.hpp:112
void AllReduceElimination(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Perform an All-Reduce using the elimination protocol described in R.
Definition: collective.hpp:459
void PrefixSumHypercube(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Calculate for every worker his prefix sum.
Definition: collective.hpp:113
void Broadcast(T &value, size_t origin=0)
Broadcast a value from the worker "origin".
Definition: collective.hpp:252
static constexpr bool debug
void BroadcastTrivial(T &value, size_t origin=0)
Broadcasts the value of the peer with index 0 to all the others.
Definition: collective.hpp:181
void AllGatherBruck(T *values, size_t n)
Definition: collective.hpp:279
void AllReduceAtRoot(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Broadcasts the value of the peer with index 0 to all the others.
Definition: collective.hpp:382
void AllGatherRecursiveDoublingPowerOfTwo(T *values, size_t n)
Definition: collective.hpp:260
static uint_pair min()
return an uint_pair instance containing the smallest value possible
Definition: uint_types.hpp:217
static unsigned integer_log2_ceil(int i)
calculate the log2 floor of an integer type
void Reduce(T &value, size_t root=0, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Reduce a value from all workers to the worker 0.
Definition: collective.hpp:331
void AllReduceSimple(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Perform an All-Reduce on the workers.
Definition: collective.hpp:368
void AllReduceEliminationProcess(size_t host_id, size_t group_size, size_t remaining_hosts, size_t send_to, T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op)
Helper method for AllReduce().
Definition: collective.hpp:479
void PrefixSum(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp(), const T &initial=T())
Calculate inclusive prefix sum.
Definition: collective.hpp:160
static int round_up_to_power_of_two(int i)
does what it says: round up to next power of two
std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type SendReceive(const T *value, T *out_value, size_t n=1)
SendReceive any serializable POD item T.
Definition: connection.hpp:277
void ReceiveFrom(size_t src, T *data)
Receives a serializable type from the given peer.
Definition: group.hpp:123
void PrefixSumSelect(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp(), const T &initial=T(), bool inclusive=true)
select prefixsum implementation (often due to total number of processors)
Definition: collective.hpp:154
size_t my_host_rank() const
Return our rank among hosts in this group.
Definition: group.hpp:69
std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type ReceiveN(T *out_value, size_t n)
Receive an array of serializable POD items T.
Definition: connection.hpp:524
virtual size_t num_hosts() const =0
Return number of connections in this group (= number computing hosts)
void AllReduceSelect(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp())
select allreduce implementation (often due to total number of processors)
Definition: collective.hpp:551
void PrefixSumDoubling(T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op=BinarySumOp(), const T &initial=T(), bool inclusive=true)
Calculate for every worker his prefix sum.
Definition: collective.hpp:52
T SendReceiveReduce(size_t peer, const T &value, BinarySumOp sum_op)
Helper method for AllReduce().
Definition: collective.hpp:465