Thrill  0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * tlx/counting_ptr.hpp
3  *
4  * Part of tlx -
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Timo Bingmann <[email protected]>
7  *
8  * All rights reserved. Published under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
9  ******************************************************************************/
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <atomic>
16 #include <cassert>
17 #include <iosfwd>
18 #include <type_traits>
19 #include <utility>
21 namespace tlx {
23 //! default deleter for CountingPtr
25 {
26 public:
27  template <typename Type>
28  void operator () (Type* ptr) const noexcept {
29  delete ptr;
30  }
31 };
33 //! dummy deleter for CountingPtr
35 {
36 public:
37  template <typename Type>
38  void operator () (Type*) const noexcept { }
39 };
41 /*!
42  * High-performance smart pointer used as a wrapping reference counting pointer.
43  *
44  * This smart pointer class requires two functions in the template type: void
45  * inc_reference() and void dec_reference(). These must increment and decrement
46  * a reference count inside the templated object. When initialized, the type
47  * must have reference count zero. Each new object referencing the data calls
48  * inc_reference() and each destroying holder calls del_reference(). When the
49  * data object determines that it's internal count is zero, then it must destroy
50  * itself.
51  *
52  * Accompanying the CountingPtr is a class ReferenceCounter, from which
53  * reference counted classes may be derive from. The class ReferenceCounter
54  * implement all methods required for reference counting.
55  *
56  * The whole method is more similar to boost's instrusive_ptr, but also yields
57  * something resembling std::shared_ptr. However, compared to std::shared_ptr,
58  * this class only contains a single pointer, while shared_ptr contains two
59  * which are only related if constructed with std::make_shared.
60  *
61  * Another advantage with this method is that no kludges like
62  * std::enable_shared_from_this are needed.
63  */
64 template <typename Type, typename Deleter = CountingPtrDefaultDeleter>
66 {
67 public:
68  //! contained type.
69  using element_type = Type;
71 private:
72  //! the pointer to the currently referenced object.
75  //! increment reference count of object.
76  void inc_reference(Type* o) noexcept
77  { if (o) o->inc_reference(); }
79  //! decrement reference count of current object and maybe delete it.
80  void dec_reference() noexcept {
81  if (ptr_ && ptr_->dec_reference())
82  Deleter()(ptr_);
83  }
85 public:
86  //! all CountingPtr are friends such that they may steal pointers.
87  template <typename Other, typename OtherDeleter>
88  friend class CountingPtr;
90  //! \name Construction, Assignment and Destruction
91  //! \{
93  //! default constructor: contains a nullptr pointer.
94  CountingPtr() noexcept
95  : ptr_(nullptr) { }
97  //! implicit conversion from nullptr_t: contains a nullptr pointer.
98  CountingPtr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept // NOLINT
99  : ptr_(nullptr) { }
101  //! constructor from pointer: initializes new reference to ptr.
102  explicit CountingPtr(Type* ptr) noexcept
103  : ptr_(ptr)
104  { inc_reference(ptr_); }
106  //! copy-constructor: also initializes new reference to ptr.
107  CountingPtr(const CountingPtr& other) noexcept
108  : ptr_(other.ptr_)
109  { inc_reference(ptr_); }
111  //! copy-constructor: also initializes new reference to ptr.
112  template <typename Subclass,
113  typename = typename std::enable_if<
116  : ptr_(other.ptr_)
117  { inc_reference(ptr_); }
119  //! move-constructor: just moves pointer, does not change reference counts.
120  CountingPtr(CountingPtr&& other) noexcept
121  : ptr_(other.ptr_)
122  { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
124  //! move-constructor: just moves pointer, does not change reference counts.
125  template <typename Subclass,
126  typename = typename std::enable_if<
127  std::is_convertible<Subclass*, Type*>::value, void>::type>
129  : ptr_(other.ptr_)
130  { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
132  //! copy-assignment operator: acquire reference on new one and dereference
133  //! current object.
134  CountingPtr& operator = (const CountingPtr& other) noexcept {
135  if (ptr_ == other.ptr_)
136  return *this;
137  inc_reference(other.ptr_);
138  dec_reference();
139  ptr_ = other.ptr_;
140  return *this;
141  }
143  //! copy-assignment operator: acquire reference on new one and dereference
144  //! current object.
145  template <typename Subclass,
146  typename = typename std::enable_if<
147  std::is_convertible<Subclass*, Type*>::value, void>::type>
148  CountingPtr&
149  operator = (const CountingPtr<Subclass, Deleter>& other) noexcept {
150  if (ptr_ == other.ptr_)
151  return *this;
152  inc_reference(other.ptr_);
153  dec_reference();
154  ptr_ = other.ptr_;
155  return *this;
156  }
158  //! move-assignment operator: move reference of other to current object.
159  CountingPtr& operator = (CountingPtr&& other) noexcept {
160  if (ptr_ == other.ptr_)
161  return *this;
162  dec_reference();
163  ptr_ = other.ptr_;
164  other.ptr_ = nullptr;
165  return *this;
166  }
168  //! move-assignment operator: move reference of other to current object.
169  template <typename Subclass,
170  typename = typename std::enable_if<
171  std::is_convertible<Subclass*, Type*>::value, void>::type>
172  CountingPtr& operator = (CountingPtr<Subclass, Deleter>&& other) noexcept {
173  if (ptr_ == other.ptr_)
174  return *this;
175  dec_reference();
176  ptr_ = other.ptr_;
177  other.ptr_ = nullptr;
178  return *this;
179  }
181  //! destructor: decrements reference count in ptr.
182  ~CountingPtr() { dec_reference(); }
184  //! \}
186  //! \name Observers
187  //! \{
189  //! return the enclosed object as reference.
190  Type& operator * () const noexcept {
191  assert(ptr_);
192  return *ptr_;
193  }
195  //! return the enclosed pointer.
196  Type* operator -> () const noexcept {
197  assert(ptr_);
198  return ptr_;
199  }
201  //! return the enclosed pointer.
202  Type * get() const noexcept { return ptr_; }
204  //! test for a non-nullptr pointer
205  bool valid() const noexcept
206  { return (ptr_ != nullptr); }
208  //! cast to bool checks for a nullptr pointer
209  operator bool () const noexcept
210  { return valid(); }
212  //! test for a nullptr pointer
213  bool empty() const noexcept
214  { return (ptr_ == nullptr); }
216  //! if the object is referred by this CountingPtr only
217  bool unique() const noexcept
218  { return ptr_ && ptr_->unique(); }
220  //! Returns the number of different shared_ptr instances managing the
221  //! current object.
222  size_t use_count() const noexcept
223  { return ptr_->reference_count(); }
225  //! \}
227  //! \name Modifiers
228  //! \{
230  //! release contained pointer, frees object if this is the last reference.
231  void reset() {
232  dec_reference();
233  ptr_ = nullptr;
234  }
236  //! swap enclosed object with another counting pointer (no reference counts
237  //! need change)
238  void swap(CountingPtr& b) noexcept
239  { std::swap(ptr_, b.ptr_); }
241  //! make and refer a copy if the original object was shared.
242  void unify() {
243  if (ptr_ && !ptr_->unique())
244  operator = (CountingPtr(new Type(*ptr_)));
245  }
247  //! \}
249  //! \name Comparison Operators
250  //! \{
252  //! test equality of only the pointer values.
253  bool operator == (const CountingPtr& other) const noexcept
254  { return ptr_ == other.ptr_; }
256  //! test inequality of only the pointer values.
257  bool operator != (const CountingPtr& other) const noexcept
258  { return ptr_ != other.ptr_; }
260  //! test equality of only the address pointed to
261  bool operator == (Type* other) const noexcept
262  { return ptr_ == other; }
264  //! test inequality of only the address pointed to
265  bool operator != (Type* other) const noexcept
266  { return ptr_ != other; }
268  //! compare the pointer values.
269  bool operator < (const CountingPtr& other) const noexcept
270  { return ptr_ < other.ptr_; }
272  //! compare the pointer values.
273  bool operator <= (const CountingPtr& other) const noexcept
274  { return ptr_ <= other.ptr_; }
276  //! compare the pointer values.
277  bool operator > (const CountingPtr& other) const noexcept
278  { return ptr_ > other.ptr_; }
280  //! compare the pointer values.
281  bool operator >= (const CountingPtr& other) const noexcept
282  { return ptr_ >= other.ptr_; }
284  //! compare the pointer values.
285  bool operator < (Type* other) const noexcept
286  { return ptr_ < other; }
288  //! compare the pointer values.
289  bool operator <= (Type* other) const noexcept
290  { return ptr_ <= other; }
292  //! compare the pointer values.
293  bool operator > (Type* other) const noexcept
294  { return ptr_ > other; }
296  //! compare the pointer values.
297  bool operator >= (Type* other) const noexcept
298  { return ptr_ >= other; }
300  //! \}
301 };
303 //! make alias due to similarity with std::shared_ptr<T>
304 template <typename Type>
307 //! make alias for dummy deleter
308 template <typename Type>
311 //! method analogous to std::make_shared and std::make_unique.
312 template <typename Type, typename... Args>
314  return CountingPtr<Type>(new Type(std::forward<Args>(args) ...));
315 }
317 //! swap enclosed object with another counting pointer (no reference counts need
318 //! change)
319 template <typename A, typename D>
320 void swap(CountingPtr<A, D>& a1, CountingPtr<A, D>& a2) noexcept {
321  a1.swap(a2);
322 }
324 //! print pointer
325 template <typename A, typename D>
326 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const CountingPtr<A, D>& c) {
327  return os << c.get();
328 }
330 /*!
331  * Provides reference counting abilities for use with CountingPtr.
332  *
333  * Use as superclass of the actual object, this adds a reference_count_
334  * value. Then either use CountingPtr as pointer to manage references and
335  * deletion, or just do normal new and delete.
336  */
338 {
339 private:
340  //! the reference count is kept mutable for CountingPtr<const Type> to
341  //! change the reference count.
342  mutable std::atomic<size_t> reference_count_;
344 public:
345  //! new objects have zero reference count
346  ReferenceCounter() noexcept
347  : reference_count_(0) { }
349  //! coping still creates a new object with zero reference count
351  : reference_count_(0) { }
353  //! assignment operator, leaves pointers unchanged
354  ReferenceCounter& operator = (const ReferenceCounter&) noexcept {
355  // changing the contents leaves pointers unchanged
356  return *this;
357  }
360  { assert(reference_count_ == 0); }
362 public:
363  //! Call whenever setting a pointer to the object.
364  void inc_reference() const noexcept
365  { ++reference_count_; }
367  /*!
368  * Call whenever resetting (i.e. overwriting) a pointer to the object.
369  * IMPORTANT: In case of self-assignment, call AFTER inc_reference().
370  *
371  * \return if the object has to be deleted (i.e. if it's reference count
372  * dropped to zero)
373  */
374  bool dec_reference() const noexcept {
375  assert(reference_count_ > 0);
376  return (--reference_count_ == 0);
377  }
379  //! Test if the ReferenceCounter is referenced by only one CountingPtr.
380  bool unique() const noexcept
381  { return (reference_count_ == 1); }
383  //! Return the number of references to this object (for debugging)
384  size_t reference_count() const noexcept
385  { return reference_count_; }
386 };
388 //! make alias due to CountingPtr's similarity with std::shared_ptr<T>
391 /** \page tlx_counting_ptr CountingPtr – an intrusive reference counting pointer
393 \brief \ref CountingPtr is an implementation of <b>intrusive reference counting</b>.
394 This is similar, but not identical to boost or C++ TR1's \c
395 shared_ptr. Intrusive reference counting requires the counted class to contain
396 the counter, which is not required by <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt>.
398 Intrusive counting is often faster due to fewer cache faults. Furthermore, \ref
399 CountingPtr is a <b>single pointer</b>, whereas <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt>
400 actually contains (at least) two pointers. \ref CountingPtr also creates a lot
401 less debug info due to reduced complexity.
403 \ref CountingPtr is accompanied by \ref ReferenceCounter, which contains the
404 actual reference counter (a single integer). A reference counted object must
405 derive from \ref ReferenceCounter :
407 \code
408 struct Something : public tlx::ReferenceCounter
409 {
410 };
411 \endcode
413 Code that now wishes to use pointers referencing this object, will typedef an
414 \ref CountingPtr, which is used to increment and decrement the included
415 reference counter automatically.
417 \code
418 using SomethingPtr = tlx::CountingPtr<Something>;
419 {
420  // create new instance of something
421  SomethingPtr p1 = new something;
422  {
423  // create a new reference to the same instance (no deep copy!)
424  SomethingPtr p2 = p1;
425  // this block end will decrement the reference count, but not delete the object
426  }
427  // this block end will delete the object
428 }
429 \endcode
431 The \ref CountingPtr can generally be used like a usual pointer or \c
432 std::shared_ptr (see the docs for more).
434 */
436 } // namespace tlx
440 /******************************************************************************/
size_t use_count() const noexcept
void unify()
make and refer a copy if the original object was shared.
static bool operator<(const std::string &a, const StringView &b) noexcept
Less operator to compare a std::string with a StringView lexicographically.
WriteStream element_type
contained type.
CountingPtr(Type *ptr) noexcept
constructor from pointer: initializes new reference to ptr.
bool unique() const noexcept
Test if the ReferenceCounter is referenced by only one CountingPtr.
dummy deleter for CountingPtr
VFS object type.
Definition: file_io.hpp:52
void operator()(Type *ptr) const noexcept
CountingPtr(const CountingPtr< Subclass, Deleter > &other) noexcept
copy-constructor: also initializes new reference to ptr.
bool operator>(const uint_pair &b) const
greater comparison operator
Definition: uint_types.hpp:199
void reset()
release contained pointer, frees object if this is the last reference.
default deleter for CountingPtr
bool valid() const noexcept
test for a non-nullptr pointer
ReferenceCounter(const ReferenceCounter &) noexcept
coping still creates a new object with zero reference count
Type * ptr_
the pointer to the currently referenced object.
static bool operator!=(const std::string &a, const StringView &b) noexcept
Inequality operator to compare a std::string with a StringView.
static bool operator==(const std::string &a, const StringView &b) noexcept
Equality operator to compare a std::string with a StringView.
CountingPtr() noexcept
default constructor: contains a nullptr pointer.
CountingPtr(CountingPtr &&other) noexcept
move-constructor: just moves pointer, does not change reference counts.
CountingPtr(const CountingPtr &other) noexcept
copy-constructor: also initializes new reference to ptr.
std::atomic< size_t > reference_count_
bool operator<=(const uint_pair &b) const
less-or-equal comparison operator
Definition: uint_types.hpp:193
ReferenceCounter() noexcept
new objects have zero reference count
bool dec_reference() const noexcept
Call whenever resetting (i.e.
Vector< D > operator*(const double a, const Vector< D > &b)
Definition: vector.hpp:115
void swap(CountingPtr< A, D > &a1, CountingPtr< A, D > &a2) noexcept
int value
size_t reference_count() const noexcept
Return the number of references to this object (for debugging)
CountingPtr< Type > make_counting(Args &&... args)
method analogous to std::make_shared and std::make_unique.
bool unique() const noexcept
if the object is referred by this CountingPtr only
void inc_reference(Type *o) noexcept
increment reference count of object.
High-performance smart pointer used as a wrapping reference counting pointer.
bool empty() const noexcept
test for a nullptr pointer
bool operator>=(const uint_pair &b) const
greater-or-equal comparison operator
Definition: uint_types.hpp:205
destructor: decrements reference count in ptr.
void inc_reference() const noexcept
Call whenever setting a pointer to the object.
void dec_reference() noexcept
decrement reference count of current object and maybe delete it.
CountingPtr(CountingPtr< Subclass, Deleter > &&other) noexcept
move-constructor: just moves pointer, does not change reference counts.
CountingPtr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept
implicit conversion from nullptr_t: contains a nullptr pointer.
Provides reference counting abilities for use with CountingPtr.
void swap(CountingPtr &b) noexcept