Thrill  0.1
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1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * tlx/container/d_ary_addressable_int_heap.hpp
3  *
4  * Part of tlx -
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2019 Eugenio Angriman <[email protected]>
7  * Copyright (C) 2019 Timo Bingmann <[email protected]>
8  *
9  * All rights reserved. Published under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
10  ******************************************************************************/
15 #include <cassert>
16 #include <cstddef>
17 #include <functional>
18 #include <limits>
19 #include <queue>
20 #include <vector>
22 namespace tlx {
24 //! \addtogroup tlx_container
25 //! \{
27 /*!
28  * This class implements an addressable integer priority queue, precisely a
29  * d-ary heap.
30  *
31  * Keys must be unique unsigned integers. The addressable heap holds an array
32  * indexed by the keys, hence it requires a multiple of the highest integer key
33  * as space!
34  *
35  * \tparam KeyType Has to be an unsigned integer type.
36  * \tparam Arity A positive integer.
37  * \tparam Compare Function object.
38  */
39 template <typename KeyType, unsigned Arity = 2,
40  class Compare = std::less<KeyType> >
42 {
43  static_assert(std::numeric_limits<KeyType>::is_integer &&
44  !std::numeric_limits<KeyType>::is_signed,
45  "KeyType must be an unsigned integer type.");
46  static_assert(Arity, "Arity must be greater than zero.");
48 public:
49  using key_type = KeyType;
50  using compare_type = Compare;
52  static constexpr size_t arity = Arity;
54 protected:
55  //! Cells in the heap.
56  std::vector<key_type> heap_;
58  //! Positions of the keys in the heap vector.
59  std::vector<key_type> handles_;
61  //! Compare function.
64  //! Marks a key that is not in the heap.
65  static constexpr key_type not_present() {
66  return static_cast<key_type>(-1);
67  }
69 public:
70  //! Allocates an empty heap.
72  : heap_(0), handles_(0), cmp_(cmp) { }
74  //! Allocates space for \c new_size items.
75  void reserve(size_t new_size) {
76  if (handles_.size() < new_size) {
77  handles_.resize(new_size, not_present());
78  heap_.reserve(new_size);
79  }
80  }
82  //! Copy.
86  //! Move.
90  //! Empties the heap.
91  void clear() {
92  std::fill(handles_.begin(), handles_.end(), not_present());
93  heap_.clear();
94  }
96  //! Returns the number of items in the heap.
97  size_t size() const noexcept { return heap_.size(); }
99  //! Returns the capacity of the heap.
100  size_t capacity() const noexcept { return heap_.capacity(); }
102  //! Returns true if the heap has no items, false otherwise.
103  bool empty() const noexcept { return heap_.empty(); }
105  //! Inserts a new item.
106  void push(const key_type& new_key) {
107  // Avoid to add the key that we use to mark non present keys.
108  assert(new_key != not_present());
109  if (new_key >= handles_.size()) {
110  handles_.resize(new_key + 1, not_present());
111  }
112  else {
113  assert(handles_[new_key] == not_present());
114  }
116  // Insert the new item at the end of the heap.
117  handles_[new_key] = static_cast<key_type>(heap_.size());
118  heap_.push_back(new_key);
119  sift_up(heap_.size() - 1);
120  }
122  //! Inserts a new item.
123  void push(key_type&& new_key) {
124  // Avoid to add the key that we use to mark non present keys.
125  assert(new_key != not_present());
126  if (new_key >= handles_.size()) {
127  handles_.resize(new_key + 1, not_present());
128  }
129  else {
130  assert(handles_[new_key] == not_present());
131  }
133  // Insert the new item at the end of the heap.
134  handles_[new_key] = static_cast<key_type>(heap_.size());
135  heap_.push_back(std::move(new_key));
136  sift_up(heap_.size() - 1);
137  }
139  //! Removes the item with key \c key.
140  void remove(key_type key) {
141  assert(contains(key));
142  key_type h = handles_[key];
143  std::swap(heap_[h], heap_.back());
144  handles_[heap_[h]] = h;
145  handles_[heap_.back()] = not_present();
146  heap_.pop_back();
147  // If we did not remove the last item in the heap vector.
148  if (h < size()) {
149  if (h && cmp_(heap_[h], heap_[parent(h)])) {
150  sift_up(h);
151  }
152  else {
153  sift_down(h);
154  }
155  }
156  }
158  //! Returns the top item.
159  const key_type& top() const noexcept {
160  assert(!empty());
161  return heap_[0];
162  }
164  //! Removes the top item.
165  void pop() { remove(heap_[0]); }
167  //! Removes and returns the top item.
169  key_type top_item = top();
170  pop();
171  return top_item;
172  }
174  //! Rebuilds the heap.
175  void update_all() {
176  heapify();
177  }
179  /*!
180  * Updates the priority queue after the priority associated to the item with
181  * key \c key has been changed; if the key \c key is not present in the
182  * priority queue, it will be added.
183  *
184  * Note: if not called after a priority is changed, the behavior of the data
185  * structure is undefined.
186  */
187  void update(key_type key) {
188  if (key >= handles_.size() || handles_[key] == not_present()) {
189  push(key);
190  }
191  else if (handles_[key] &&
192  cmp_(heap_[handles_[key]], heap_[parent(handles_[key])])) {
193  sift_up(handles_[key]);
194  }
195  else {
196  sift_down(handles_[key]);
197  }
198  }
200  //! Returns true if the key \c key is in the heap, false otherwise.
201  bool contains(key_type key) const {
202  return key < handles_.size() ? handles_[key] != not_present() : false;
203  }
205  //! Builds a heap from a container.
206  template <class InputIterator>
207  void build_heap(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
208  heap_.assign(first, last);
209  heapify();
210  }
212  //! Builds a heap from the vector \c keys. Items of \c keys are copied.
213  void build_heap(const std::vector<key_type>& keys) {
214  heap_.resize(keys.size());
215  std::copy(keys.begin(), keys.end(), heap_.begin());
216  heapify();
217  }
219  //! Builds a heap from the vector \c keys. Items of \c keys are moved.
220  void build_heap(std::vector<key_type>&& keys) {
221  if (!empty())
222  heap_.clear();
223  heap_ = std::move(keys);
224  heapify();
225  }
227  //! For debugging: runs a BFS from the root node and verifies that the heap
228  //! property is respected.
229  bool sanity_check() {
230  if (empty()) {
231  return true;
232  }
233  std::vector<unsigned char> mark(handles_.size());
234  std::queue<size_t> q;
235  // Explore from the root.
236  q.push(0);
237  // mark first value as seen
238[0]) = 1;
239  while (!q.empty()) {
240  size_t s = q.front();
241  q.pop();
242  size_t l = left(s);
243  for (size_t i = 0; i < arity && l < heap_.size(); ++i) {
244  // check that the priority of the children is not strictly less
245  // than their parent.
246  if (cmp_(heap_[l], heap_[s]))
247  return false;
248  // check handle
249  if (handles_[heap_[l]] != l)
250  return false;
251  // mark value as seen
252[l]) = 1;
253  q.push(l++);
254  }
255  }
256  // check not_present handles
257  for (size_t i = 0; i < mark.size(); ++i) {
258  if (mark[i] != (handles_[i] != not_present()))
259  return false;
260  }
261  return true;
262  }
264 private:
265  //! Returns the position of the left child of the node at position \c k.
266  size_t left(size_t k) const { return arity * k + 1; }
268  //! Returns the position of the parent of the node at position \c k.
269  size_t parent(size_t k) const { return (k - 1) / arity; }
271  //! Pushes the node at position \c k up until either it becomes the root or
272  //! its parent has lower or equal priority.
273  void sift_up(size_t k) {
274  key_type value = std::move(heap_[k]);
275  size_t p = parent(k);
276  while (k > 0 && !cmp_(heap_[p], value)) {
277  heap_[k] = std::move(heap_[p]);
278  handles_[heap_[k]] = k;
279  k = p, p = parent(k);
280  }
281  handles_[value] = k;
282  heap_[k] = std::move(value);
283  }
285  //! Pushes the item at position \c k down until either it becomes a leaf or
286  //! all its children have higher priority
287  void sift_down(size_t k) {
288  key_type value = std::move(heap_[k]);
289  while (true) {
290  size_t l = left(k);
291  if (l >= heap_.size()) {
292  break;
293  }
294  // Get the min child.
295  size_t c = l;
296  size_t right = std::min(heap_.size(), c + arity);
297  while (++l < right) {
298  if (cmp_(heap_[l], heap_[c])) {
299  c = l;
300  }
301  }
303  // Current item has lower or equal priority than the child with
304  // minimum priority, stop.
305  if (!cmp_(heap_[c], value)) {
306  break;
307  }
309  // Swap current item with the child with minimum priority.
310  heap_[k] = std::move(heap_[c]);
311  handles_[heap_[k]] = k;
312  k = c;
313  }
314  handles_[value] = k;
315  heap_[k] = std::move(value);
316  }
318  //! Reorganize heap_ into a heap.
319  void heapify() {
320  key_type max_key = heap_.empty() ? 0 : heap_.front();
321  if (heap_.size() >= 2) {
322  // Iterate from the last internal node up to the root.
323  size_t last_internal = (heap_.size() - 2) / arity;
324  for (size_t i = last_internal + 1; i; --i) {
325  // Index of the current internal node.
326  size_t cur = i - 1;
327  key_type value = std::move(heap_[cur]);
328  max_key = std::max(max_key, value);
330  do {
331  size_t l = left(cur);
332  max_key = std::max(max_key, heap_[l]);
333  // Find the minimum child of cur.
334  size_t min_elem = l;
335  for (size_t j = l + 1;
336  j - l < arity && j < heap_.size(); ++j) {
337  if (cmp_(heap_[j], heap_[min_elem]))
338  min_elem = j;
339  max_key = std::max(max_key, heap_[j]);
340  }
342  // One of the children of cur is less then cur: swap and
343  // do another iteration.
344  if (cmp_(heap_[min_elem], value)) {
345  heap_[cur] = std::move(heap_[min_elem]);
346  cur = min_elem;
347  }
348  else
349  break;
350  } while (cur <= last_internal);
351  heap_[cur] = std::move(value);
352  }
353  }
354  // initialize handles_ vector
355  handles_.resize(std::max(handles_.size(), static_cast<size_t>(max_key) + 1), not_present());
356  for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_.size(); ++i)
357  handles_[heap_[i]] = i;
358  }
359 };
361 //! make template alias due to similarity with std::priority_queue
362 template <typename KeyType, unsigned Arity = 2,
363  typename Compare = std::less<KeyType> >
367 //! \}
369 } // namespace tlx
373 /******************************************************************************/
void build_heap(std::vector< key_type > &&keys)
Builds a heap from the vector keys. Items of keys are moved.
void heapify()
Reorganize heap_ into a heap.
static uint_pair max()
return an uint_pair instance containing the largest value possible
Definition: uint_types.hpp:226
bool empty() const noexcept
Returns true if the heap has no items, false otherwise.
DAryAddressableIntHeap & operator=(const DAryAddressableIntHeap &)=default
This class implements an addressable integer priority queue, precisely a d-ary heap.
size_t parent(size_t k) const
Returns the position of the parent of the node at position k.
size_t capacity() const noexcept
Returns the capacity of the heap.
void push(const key_type &new_key)
Inserts a new item.
void build_heap(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
Builds a heap from a container.
key_type extract_top()
Removes and returns the top item.
void reserve(size_t new_size)
Allocates space for new_size items.
void pop()
Removes the top item.
DAryAddressableIntHeap(compare_type cmp=compare_type())
Allocates an empty heap.
std::vector< key_type > heap_
Cells in the heap.
void build_heap(const std::vector< key_type > &keys)
Builds a heap from the vector keys. Items of keys are copied.
void swap(CountingPtr< A, D > &a1, CountingPtr< A, D > &a2) noexcept
compare_type cmp_
Compare function.
int value
void push(key_type &&new_key)
Inserts a new item.
size_t size() const noexcept
Returns the number of items in the heap.
void update(key_type key)
Updates the priority queue after the priority associated to the item with key key has been changed; i...
size_t left(size_t k) const
Returns the position of the left child of the node at position k.
static uint_pair min()
return an uint_pair instance containing the smallest value possible
Definition: uint_types.hpp:217
bool contains(key_type key) const
Returns true if the key key is in the heap, false otherwise.
static constexpr key_type not_present()
Marks a key that is not in the heap.
const key_type & top() const noexcept
Returns the top item.
std::vector< key_type > handles_
Positions of the keys in the heap vector.