Thrill  0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * thrill/api/merge.hpp
3  *
4  * DIANode for a merge operation. Performs the actual merge operation
5  *
6  * Part of Project Thrill -
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Timo Bingmann <[email protected]>
9  * Copyright (C) 2015 Emanuel Jöbstl <[email protected]>
10  *
11  * All rights reserved. Published under the BSD-2 license in the LICENSE file.
12  ******************************************************************************/
14 #pragma once
18 #include <thrill/api/dia.hpp>
19 #include <thrill/api/dop_node.hpp>
21 #include <thrill/common/logger.hpp>
24 #include <thrill/common/string.hpp>
27 #include <thrill/data/file.hpp>
29 #include <tlx/math/abs_diff.hpp>
31 #include <tlx/meta/vexpand.hpp>
33 #include <algorithm>
34 #include <array>
35 #include <functional>
36 #include <random>
37 #include <string>
38 #include <vector>
40 namespace thrill {
41 namespace api {
43 /*!
44  * Implementation of Thrill's merge. This merge implementation balances all data
45  * before merging, so each worker has the same amount of data when merge
46  * finishes.
47  *
48  * The algorithm performs a distributed multi-sequence selection by picking
49  * random pivots (from the largest remaining interval) for each DIA. The pivots
50  * are selected via a global AllReduce. There is one pivot per DIA.
51  *
52  * Then the pivots are searched for in the interval [left,left + width) in each
53  * local File's partition, where these are initialized with left = 0 and width =
54  * File.size(). This delivers the local_rank of each pivot. From the local_ranks
55  * the corresponding global_ranks of each pivot is calculated via a AllReduce.
56  *
57  * The global_ranks are then compared to the target_ranks (which are n/p *
58  * rank). If global_ranks is smaller, the interval [left,left + width) is
59  * reduced to [left,idx), where idx is the rank of the pivot in the local
60  * File. If global_ranks is larger, the interval is reduced to [idx,left+width).
61  *
62  * left -> width
63  * V V V V V V
64  * +------------+ +-----------+ +-------------------+ DIA 0
65  * ^
66  * local_ranks, global_ranks = sum over all local_ranks
67  *
68  * \tparam ValueType The type of the first and second input DIA
69  * \tparam Comparator The comparator defining input and output order.
70  * \tparam ParentDIA0 The type of the first input DIA
71  * \tparam ParentDIAs The types of the other input DIAs
72  *
73  * \ingroup api_layer
74  */
75 template <typename ValueType, typename Comparator, size_t kNumInputs>
76 class MergeNode : public DOpNode<ValueType>
77 {
78  static constexpr bool debug = false;
79  static constexpr bool self_verify = debug && common::g_debug_mode;
81  //! Set this variable to true to enable generation and output of merge stats
82  static constexpr bool stats_enabled = false;
85  using Super::context_;
87  static_assert(kNumInputs >= 2, "Merge requires at least two inputs.");
89 public:
90  template <typename ParentDIA0, typename... ParentDIAs>
91  MergeNode(const Comparator& comparator,
92  const ParentDIA0& parent0, const ParentDIAs& ... parents)
93  : Super(parent0.ctx(), "Merge",
94  {, ... },
95  { parent0.node(), parents.node() ... }),
96  comparator_(comparator),
97  // this weirdness is due to a MSVC2015 parser bug
99  std::array<bool, kNumInputs>{
100  { ParentDIA0::stack_empty, (ParentDIAs::stack_empty)... }
101  }) {
102  // allocate files.
103  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInputs; ++i)
104  files_[i] = context_.GetFilePtr(this);
106  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInputs; ++i)
107  writers_[i] = files_[i]->GetWriter();
110  RegisterParent(this), parent0, parents...);
111  }
113  //! Register Parent PreOp Hooks, instantiated and called for each Merge
114  //! parent
116  {
117  public:
118  explicit RegisterParent(MergeNode* merge_node)
119  : merge_node_(merge_node) { }
121  template <typename Index, typename Parent>
122  void operator () (const Index&, Parent& parent) {
124  // construct lambda with only the writer in the closure
125  data::File::Writer* writer = &merge_node_->writers_[Index::index];
126  auto pre_op_fn = [writer](const ValueType& input) -> void {
127  writer->Put(input);
128  };
130  // close the function stacks with our pre ops and register it at
131  // parent nodes for output
132  auto lop_chain = parent.stack().push(pre_op_fn).fold();
134  parent.node()->AddChild(merge_node_, lop_chain, Index::index);
135  }
137  private:
139  };
141  //! Receive a whole data::File of ValueType, but only if our stack is empty.
142  bool OnPreOpFile(const data::File& file, size_t parent_index) final {
143  assert(parent_index < kNumInputs);
144  if (!parent_stack_empty_[parent_index]) return false;
146  // accept file
147  assert(files_[parent_index]->num_items() == 0);
148  *files_[parent_index] = file.Copy();
149  return true;
150  }
152  void StopPreOp(size_t parent_index) final {
153  writers_[parent_index].Close();
154  }
156  void Execute() final {
157  MainOp();
158  }
160  void PushData(bool consume) final {
161  size_t result_count = 0;
162  static constexpr bool debug = false;
164  stats_.merge_timer_.Start();
166  // get inbound readers from all Channels
167  std::vector<data::CatStream::CatReader> readers;
168  readers.reserve(kNumInputs);
170  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInputs; i++)
171  readers.emplace_back(streams_[i]->GetCatReader(consume));
173  auto puller = core::make_multiway_merge_tree<ValueType>(
174  readers.begin(), readers.end(), comparator_);
176  while (puller.HasNext())
177  this->PushItem(puller.Next());
179  stats_.merge_timer_.Stop();
181  sLOG << "Merge: result_count" << result_count;
183  stats_.result_size_ = result_count;
185  }
187  void Dispose() final { }
189 private:
190  //! Merge comparator
191  Comparator comparator_;
193  //! Whether the parent stack is empty
194  const std::array<bool, kNumInputs> parent_stack_empty_;
196  //! Files for intermediate storage
197  data::FilePtr files_[kNumInputs];
199  //! Writers to intermediate files
202  //! Array of inbound CatStreams
205  struct Pivot {
206  ValueType value;
207  size_t tie_idx;
208  size_t segment_len;
209  };
211  //! Count of items on all prev workers.
212  size_t prefix_size_;
214  using ArrayNumInputsSizeT = std::array<size_t, kNumInputs>;
216  //! Logging helper to print vectors of vectors of pivots.
217  static std::string VToStr(const std::vector<Pivot>& data) {
218  std::stringstream oss;
219  for (const Pivot& elem : data) {
220  oss << "(" << elem.value
221  << ", itie: " << elem.tie_idx
222  << ", len: " << elem.segment_len << ") ";
223  }
224  return oss.str();
225  }
227  //! Reduce functor that returns the pivot originating from the biggest
228  //! range. That removes some nasty corner cases, like selecting the same
229  //! pivot over and over again from a tiny range.
231  {
232  public:
233  Pivot operator () (const Pivot& a, const Pivot& b) const {
234  return a.segment_len > b.segment_len ? a : b;
235  }
236  };
240  /*!
241  * Stats holds timers for measuring merge performance, that supports
242  * accumulating the output and printing it to the standard out stream.
243  */
244  class Stats
245  {
246  public:
247  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent in File operations.
249  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent while actually merging.
251  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent while re-balancing the data.
253  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent for selecting the global pivot
254  //! elements.
256  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent in global search steps.
258  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent communicating.
260  //! A Timer accumulating all time spent calling the scatter method of
261  //! the data subsystem.
263  //! The count of all elements processed on this host.
264  size_t result_size_ = 0;
265  //! The count of search iterations needed for balancing.
266  size_t iterations_ = 0;
269  const std::string& label, size_t p, size_t value) {
271  LOG1 << "RESULT " << "operation=" << label << " time=" << value
272  << " workers=" << p << " result_size_=" << result_size_;
273  }
275  void Print(Context& ctx) {
276  if (stats_enabled) {
277  size_t p = ctx.num_workers();
278  size_t merge =
279 / p;
280  size_t balance =
281 / p;
282  size_t pivot_selection =
283 / p;
284  size_t search_step =
285 / p;
286  size_t file_op =
287 / p;
288  size_t comm =
289 / p;
290  size_t scatter =
291 / p;
293  result_size_ =;
295  if (ctx.my_rank() == 0) {
296  PrintToSQLPlotTool("merge", p, merge);
297  PrintToSQLPlotTool("balance", p, balance);
298  PrintToSQLPlotTool("pivot_selection", p, pivot_selection);
299  PrintToSQLPlotTool("search_step", p, search_step);
300  PrintToSQLPlotTool("file_op", p, file_op);
301  PrintToSQLPlotTool("communication", p, comm);
302  PrintToSQLPlotTool("scatter", p, scatter);
303  PrintToSQLPlotTool("iterations", p, iterations_);
304  }
305  }
306  }
307  };
309  //! Instance of merge statistics
312  /*!
313  * Selects random global pivots for all splitter searches based on all
314  * worker's search ranges.
315  *
316  * \param left The left bounds of all search ranges for all files. The
317  * first index identifies the splitter, the second index identifies the
318  * file.
319  *
320  * \param width The width of all search ranges for all files. The first
321  * index identifies the splitter, the second index identifies the file.
322  *
323  * \param out_pivots The output pivots.
324  */
326  const std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& left,
327  const std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& width,
328  std::vector<Pivot>& out_pivots) {
330  // Select a random pivot for the largest range we have for each
331  // splitter.
332  for (size_t s = 0; s < width.size(); s++) {
333  size_t mp = 0;
335  // Search for the largest range.
336  for (size_t p = 1; p < width[s].size(); p++) {
337  if (width[s][p] > width[s][mp]) {
338  mp = p;
339  }
340  }
342  // We can leave pivot_elem uninitialized. If it is not initialized
343  // below, then an other worker's pivot will be taken for this range,
344  // since our range is zero.
345  ValueType pivot_elem = ValueType();
346  size_t pivot_idx = left[s][mp];
348  if (width[s][mp] > 0) {
349  pivot_idx = left[s][mp] + (context_.rng_() % width[s][mp]);
350  assert(pivot_idx < files_[mp]->num_items());
351  stats_.file_op_timer_.Start();
352  pivot_elem = files_[mp]->template GetItemAt<ValueType>(pivot_idx);
353  stats_.file_op_timer_.Stop();
354  }
356  out_pivots[s] = Pivot {
357  pivot_elem,
358  pivot_idx,
359  width[s][mp]
360  };
361  }
363  LOG << "local pivots: " << VToStr(out_pivots);
365  // Reduce vectors of pivots globally to select the pivots from the
366  // largest ranges.
367  stats_.comm_timer_.Start();
368  out_pivots =
369  out_pivots, common::ComponentSum<std::vector<Pivot>, ReducePivots>());
370  stats_.comm_timer_.Stop();
371  }
373  /*!
374  * Calculates the global ranks of the given pivots.
375  * Additionally returns the local ranks so we can use them in the next step.
376  */
378  const std::vector<Pivot>& pivots,
379  std::vector<size_t>& global_ranks,
380  std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& out_local_ranks,
381  const std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& left,
382  const std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& width) {
384  // Simply get the rank of each pivot in each file. Sum the ranks up
385  // locally.
386  for (size_t s = 0; s < pivots.size(); s++) {
387  size_t rank = 0;
388  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInputs; i++) {
389  stats_.file_op_timer_.Start();
391  size_t idx = files_[i]->GetIndexOf(
392  pivots[s].value, pivots[s].tie_idx,
393  left[s][i], left[s][i] + width[s][i],
394  comparator_);
396  stats_.file_op_timer_.Stop();
398  rank += idx;
399  out_local_ranks[s][i] = idx;
400  }
401  global_ranks[s] = rank;
402  }
404  stats_.comm_timer_.Start();
405  // Sum up ranks globally.
406  global_ranks =
407  global_ranks, common::ComponentSum<std::vector<size_t> >());
408  stats_.comm_timer_.Stop();
409  }
411  /*!
412  * Shrinks the search ranges according to the global ranks of the pivots.
413  *
414  * \param global_ranks The global ranks of all pivots.
415  *
416  * \param local_ranks The local ranks of each pivot in each file.
417  *
418  * \param target_ranks The desired ranks of the splitters we are looking
419  * for.
420  *
421  * \param left The left bounds of all search ranges for all files. The
422  * first index identifies the splitter, the second index identifies the
423  * file. This parameter will be modified.
424  *
425  * \param width The width of all search ranges for all files. The first
426  * index identifies the splitter, the second index identifies the file.
427  * This parameter will be modified.
428  */
430  const std::vector<size_t>& global_ranks,
431  const std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& local_ranks,
432  const std::vector<size_t>& target_ranks,
433  std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& left,
434  std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT>& width) {
436  for (size_t s = 0; s < width.size(); s++) {
437  for (size_t p = 0; p < width[s].size(); p++) {
439  if (width[s][p] == 0)
440  continue;
442  size_t local_rank = local_ranks[s][p];
443  size_t old_width = width[s][p];
444  assert(left[s][p] <= local_rank);
446  if (global_ranks[s] < target_ranks[s]) {
447  width[s][p] -= local_rank - left[s][p];
448  left[s][p] = local_rank;
449  }
450  else if (global_ranks[s] >= target_ranks[s]) {
451  width[s][p] = local_rank - left[s][p];
452  }
454  if (debug) {
455  die_unless(width[s][p] <= old_width);
456  }
457  }
458  }
459  }
461  /*!
462  * Receives elements from other workers and re-balance them, so each worker
463  * has the same amount after merging.
464  */
465  void MainOp() {
466  // *** Setup Environment for merging ***
468  // Count of all workers (and count of target partitions)
469  size_t p = context_.num_workers();
470  LOG << "splitting to " << p << " workers";
472  // Count of all local elements.
473  size_t local_size = 0;
475  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInputs; i++) {
476  local_size += files_[i]->num_items();
477  }
479  // test that the data we got is sorted!
480  if (self_verify) {
481  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInputs; i++) {
482  auto reader = files_[i]->GetKeepReader();
483  if (!reader.HasNext()) continue;
485  ValueType prev = reader.template Next<ValueType>();
486  while (reader.HasNext()) {
487  ValueType next = reader.template Next<ValueType>();
488  if (comparator_(next, prev)) {
489  die("Merge input was not sorted!");
490  }
491  prev = std::move(next);
492  }
493  }
494  }
496  // Count of all global elements.
497  stats_.comm_timer_.Start();
498  size_t global_size =;
499  stats_.comm_timer_.Stop();
501  LOG << "local size: " << local_size;
502  LOG << "global size: " << global_size;
504  // Calculate and remember the ranks we search for. In our case, we
505  // search for ranks that split the data into equal parts.
506  std::vector<size_t> target_ranks(p - 1);
508  for (size_t r = 0; r < p - 1; r++) {
509  target_ranks[r] = (global_size / p) * (r + 1);
510  // Modify all ranks 0..(globalSize % p), in case global_size is not
511  // divisible by p.
512  if (r < global_size % p)
513  target_ranks[r] += 1;
514  }
516  if (debug) {
517  LOG << "target_ranks: " << target_ranks;
519  stats_.comm_timer_.Start();
520  assert( == target_ranks);
521  stats_.comm_timer_.Stop();
522  }
524  // buffer for the global ranks of selected pivots
525  std::vector<size_t> global_ranks(p - 1);
527  // Search range bounds.
528  std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT> left(p - 1), width(p - 1);
530  // Auxillary arrays.
531  std::vector<Pivot> pivots(p - 1);
532  std::vector<ArrayNumInputsSizeT> local_ranks(p - 1);
534  // Initialize all lefts with 0 and all widths with size of their
535  // respective file.
536  for (size_t r = 0; r < p - 1; r++) {
537  for (size_t q = 0; q < kNumInputs; q++) {
538  width[r][q] = files_[q]->num_items();
539  }
540  }
542  bool finished = false;
543  stats_.balancing_timer_.Start();
545  // Iterate until we find a pivot which is within the prescribed balance
546  // tolerance
547  while (!finished) {
549  LOG << "iteration: " << stats_.iterations_;
550  LOG0 << "left: " << left;
551  LOG0 << "width: " << width;
553  if (debug) {
554  for (size_t q = 0; q < kNumInputs; q++) {
555  std::ostringstream oss;
556  for (size_t i = 0; i < p - 1; ++i) {
557  if (i != 0) oss << " # ";
558  oss << '[' << left[i][q] << ',' << left[i][q] + width[i][q] << ')';
559  }
560  LOG1 << "left/right[" << q << "]: " << oss.str();
561  }
562  }
564  // Find pivots.
565  stats_.pivot_selection_timer_.Start();
566  SelectPivots(left, width, pivots);
567  stats_.pivot_selection_timer_.Stop();
569  LOG << "final pivots: " << VToStr(pivots);
571  // Get global ranks and shrink ranges.
572  stats_.search_step_timer_.Start();
573  GetGlobalRanks(pivots, global_ranks, local_ranks, left, width);
575  LOG << "global_ranks: " << global_ranks;
576  LOG << "local_ranks: " << local_ranks;
578  SearchStep(global_ranks, local_ranks, target_ranks, left, width);
580  if (debug) {
581  for (size_t q = 0; q < kNumInputs; q++) {
582  std::ostringstream oss;
583  for (size_t i = 0; i < p - 1; ++i) {
584  if (i != 0) oss << " # ";
585  oss << '[' << left[i][q] << ',' << left[i][q] + width[i][q] << ')';
586  }
587  LOG1 << "left/right[" << q << "]: " << oss.str();
588  }
589  }
591  // We check for accuracy of kNumInputs + 1
592  finished = true;
593  for (size_t i = 0; i < p - 1; i++) {
594  size_t a = global_ranks[i], b = target_ranks[i];
595  if (tlx::abs_diff(a, b) > kNumInputs + 1) {
596  finished = false;
597  break;
598  }
599  }
601  stats_.search_step_timer_.Stop();
602  stats_.iterations_++;
603  }
604  stats_.balancing_timer_.Stop();
606  LOG << "Finished after " << stats_.iterations_ << " iterations";
608  LOG << "Creating channels";
610  // Initialize channels for distributing data.
611  for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumInputs; j++)
612  streams_[j] = context_.GetNewCatStream(this);
614  stats_.scatter_timer_.Start();
616  LOG << "Scattering.";
618  // For each file, initialize an array of offsets according to the
619  // splitters we found. Then call Scatter to distribute the data.
621  std::vector<size_t> tx_items(p);
622  for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumInputs; j++) {
624  std::vector<size_t> offsets(p + 1, 0);
626  for (size_t r = 0; r < p - 1; r++)
627  offsets[r + 1] = local_ranks[r][j];
629  offsets[p] = files_[j]->num_items();
631  LOG << "Scatter from file " << j << " to other workers: "
632  << offsets;
634  for (size_t r = 0; r < p; ++r) {
635  tx_items[r] += offsets[r + 1] - offsets[r];
636  }
638  streams_[j]->template ScatterConsume<ValueType>(
639  *files_[j], offsets);
640  }
642  LOG << "tx_items: " << tx_items;
644  // calculate total items on each worker after Scatter
645  tx_items =
646  tx_items, common::ComponentSum<std::vector<size_t> >());
647  if (context_.my_rank() == 0)
648  LOG1 << "Merge(): total_items: " << tx_items;
650  stats_.scatter_timer_.Stop();
651  }
652 };
654 /*!
655  * Merge is a DOp, which merges any number of sorted DIAs to a single sorted
656  * DIA. All input DIAs must be sorted conforming to the given comparator. The
657  * type of the output DIA will be the type of this DIA.
658  *
659  * \image html dia_ops/Merge.svg
660  *
661  * The merge operation balances all input data, so that each worker will have an
662  * equal number of elements when the merge completes.
663  *
664  * \tparam Comparator Comparator to specify the order of input and output.
665  *
666  * \param comparator Comparator to specify the order of input and output.
667  *
668  * \param first_dia first DIA
669  * \param dias DIAs, which is merged with this DIA.
670  *
671  * \ingroup dia_dops_free
672  */
673 template <typename Comparator, typename FirstDIA, typename... DIAs>
674 auto Merge(const Comparator& comparator,
675  const FirstDIA& first_dia, const DIAs& ... dias) {
677  tlx::vexpand((first_dia.AssertValid(), 0), (dias.AssertValid(), 0) ...);
679  using ValueType = typename FirstDIA::ValueType;
681  using CompareResult =
682  typename common::FunctionTraits<Comparator>::result_type;
684  using MergeNode = api::MergeNode<
685  ValueType, Comparator, 1 + sizeof ... (DIAs)>;
687  // Assert comparator types.
688  static_assert(
689  std::is_convertible<
690  ValueType,
691  typename common::FunctionTraits<Comparator>::template arg<0>
692  >::value,
693  "Comparator has the wrong input type in argument 0");
695  static_assert(
696  std::is_convertible<
697  ValueType,
698  typename common::FunctionTraits<Comparator>::template arg<1>
699  >::value,
700  "Comparator has the wrong input type in argument 1");
702  // Assert meaningful return type of comperator.
703  static_assert(
704  std::is_convertible<
705  CompareResult,
706  bool
707  >::value,
708  "Comparator must return bool");
710  auto merge_node =
711  tlx::make_counting<MergeNode>(comparator, first_dia, dias...);
713  return DIA<ValueType>(merge_node);
714 }
716 template <typename ValueType, typename Stack>
717 template <typename Comparator, typename SecondDIA>
719  const SecondDIA& second_dia, const Comparator& comparator) const {
720  return api::Merge(comparator, *this, second_dia);
721 }
723 } // namespace api
725 //! imported from api namespace
726 using api::Merge;
728 } // namespace thrill
732 /******************************************************************************/
void call_foreach_with_index(Functor &&f, Args &&... args)
Comparator comparator_
Merge comparator.
Definition: merge.hpp:191
net::FlowControlChannel & net
Definition: context.hpp:446
#define sLOG
Default logging method: output if the local debug variable is true.
Definition: logger.hpp:34
DIA is the interface between the user and the Thrill framework.
Definition: dia.hpp:141
size_t prefix_size_
Count of items on all prev workers.
Definition: merge.hpp:212
void PushItem(const ValueType &item) const
Method for derived classes to Push a single item to all children.
Definition: dia_node.hpp:147
void GetGlobalRanks(const std::vector< Pivot > &pivots, std::vector< size_t > &global_ranks, std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &out_local_ranks, const std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &left, const std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &width)
Calculates the global ranks of the given pivots.
Definition: merge.hpp:377
#define die_unless(X)
Definition: die.hpp:27
auto Merge(const SecondDIA &second_dia, const Comparator &comparator=Comparator()) const
Merge is a DOp, which merges two sorted DIAs to a single sorted DIA.
Definition: merge.hpp:718
static constexpr bool stats_enabled
Set this variable to true to enable generation and output of merge stats.
Definition: merge.hpp:82
void vexpand(Types &&...)
Definition: vexpand.hpp:24
#define LOG1
Definition: logger.hpp:28
void SelectPivots(const std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &left, const std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &width, std::vector< Pivot > &out_pivots)
Selects random global pivots for all splitter searches based on all worker&#39;s search ranges...
Definition: merge.hpp:325
size_t num_workers() const
Global number of workers in the system.
Definition: context.hpp:251
A File is an ordered sequence of Block objects for storing items.
Definition: file.hpp:56
#define LOG0
Override default output: never or always output log.
Definition: logger.hpp:27
void StopPreOp(size_t parent_index) final
Virtual method for preparing end of PushData.
Definition: merge.hpp:152
StatsTimer balancing_timer_
A Timer accumulating all time spent while re-balancing the data.
Definition: merge.hpp:252
size_t iterations_
The count of search iterations needed for balancing.
Definition: merge.hpp:266
MergeNode(const Comparator &comparator, const ParentDIA0 &parent0, const ParentDIAs &... parents)
Definition: merge.hpp:91
const std::vector< DIABasePtr > & parents() const
Returns the parents of this DIABase.
Definition: dia_base.hpp:253
const char * label() const
return label() of DIANode subclass as stored by StatsNode
Definition: dia_base.hpp:218
BlockWriter contains a temporary Block object into which a) any serializable item can be stored or b)...
#define die(msg)
Instead of std::terminate(), throw the output the message via an exception.
Definition: die.hpp:22
void SearchStep(const std::vector< size_t > &global_ranks, const std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &local_ranks, const std::vector< size_t > &target_ranks, std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &left, std::vector< ArrayNumInputsSizeT > &width)
Shrinks the search ranges according to the global ranks of the pivots.
Definition: merge.hpp:429
std::default_random_engine rng_
a random generator
Definition: context.hpp:435
void Execute() final
Virtual execution method. Triggers actual computation in sub-classes.
Definition: merge.hpp:156
T TLX_ATTRIBUTE_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT AllReduce(const T &value, const BinarySumOp &sum_op=BinarySumOp())
Reduces a value of a serializable type T over all workers given a certain reduce function.
The Context of a job is a unique instance per worker which holds references to all underlying parts o...
Definition: context.hpp:221
Stats stats_
Instance of merge statistics.
Definition: merge.hpp:310
static constexpr bool self_verify
Definition: merge.hpp:79
const std::array< bool, kNumInputs > parent_stack_empty_
Whether the parent stack is empty.
Definition: merge.hpp:194
template for computing the component-wise sum of std::array or std::vector.
Definition: functional.hpp:94
StatsTimer pivot_selection_timer_
Definition: merge.hpp:255
void Print(Context &ctx)
Definition: merge.hpp:275
data::File::Writer writers_[kNumInputs]
Writers to intermediate files.
Definition: merge.hpp:200
data::CatStreamPtr GetNewCatStream(size_t dia_id)
Definition: context.cpp:1209
Stats holds timers for measuring merge performance, that supports accumulating the output and printin...
Definition: merge.hpp:244
auto Merge(const Comparator &comparator, const FirstDIA &first_dia, const DIAs &... dias)
Merge is a DOp, which merges any number of sorted DIAs to a single sorted DIA.
Definition: merge.hpp:674
void PrintToSQLPlotTool(const std::string &label, size_t p, size_t value)
Definition: merge.hpp:268
int value
T abs_diff(const T &a, const T &b)
absolute difference, which also works for unsigned types
Definition: abs_diff.hpp:24
std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, Allocator< char > > string
string with Manager tracking
Definition: allocator.hpp:220
StatsTimer merge_timer_
A Timer accumulating all time spent while actually merging.
Definition: merge.hpp:250
static std::string VToStr(const std::vector< Pivot > &data)
Logging helper to print vectors of vectors of pivots.
Definition: merge.hpp:217
data::FilePtr GetFilePtr(size_t dia_id)
Definition: context.cpp:1200
size_t my_rank() const
Global rank of this worker among all other workers in the system.
Definition: context.hpp:243
RegisterParent(MergeNode *merge_node)
Definition: merge.hpp:118
void MainOp()
Receives elements from other workers and re-balance them, so each worker has the same amount after me...
Definition: merge.hpp:465
std::array< size_t, kNumInputs > ArrayNumInputsSizeT
Definition: merge.hpp:214
void operator()(const Index &, Parent &parent)
Definition: merge.hpp:122
static constexpr bool debug
Definition: merge.hpp:78
static constexpr bool g_debug_mode
debug mode is active, if NDEBUG is false.
Definition: config.hpp:28
A DOpNode is a typed node representing and distributed operations in Thrill.
Definition: dop_node.hpp:32
StatsTimer file_op_timer_
A Timer accumulating all time spent in File operations.
Definition: merge.hpp:248
TLX_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE BlockWriter & Put(const T &x)
Put appends a complete item, or fails with a FullException.
StatsTimer comm_timer_
A Timer accumulating all time spent communicating.
Definition: merge.hpp:259
bool OnPreOpFile(const data::File &file, size_t parent_index) final
Receive a whole data::File of ValueType, but only if our stack is empty.
Definition: merge.hpp:142
void Close()
Explicitly close the writer.
data::FilePtr files_[kNumInputs]
Files for intermediate storage.
Definition: merge.hpp:197
void PushData(bool consume) final
Virtual method for pushing data. Triggers actual pushing in sub-classes.
Definition: merge.hpp:160
T TLX_ATTRIBUTE_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Broadcast(const T &value, size_t origin=0)
Broadcasts a value of a serializable type T from the master (the worker with id 0) to all other worke...
size_t result_size_
The count of all elements processed on this host.
Definition: merge.hpp:264
#define LOG
Default logging method: output if the local debug variable is true.
Definition: logger.hpp:24
void Dispose() final
Virtual clear method. Triggers actual disposing in sub-classes.
Definition: merge.hpp:187
Implementation of Thrill&#39;s merge.
Definition: merge.hpp:76
data::CatStreamPtr streams_[kNumInputs]
Array of inbound CatStreams.
Definition: merge.hpp:203
Context & context_
associated Context
Definition: dia_base.hpp:293
StatsTimer search_step_timer_
A Timer accumulating all time spent in global search steps.
Definition: merge.hpp:257