Thrill  0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * thrill/api/inner_join.hpp
3  *
4  * Part of Project Thrill -
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2016 Alexander Noe <[email protected]>
7  * Copyright (C) 2017 Tim Zeitz <[email protected]>
8  *
9  * All rights reserved. Published under the BSD-2 license in the LICENSE file.
10  ******************************************************************************/
12 #pragma once
16 #include <thrill/api/dia.hpp>
17 #include <thrill/api/dop_node.hpp>
20 #include <thrill/common/logger.hpp>
24 #include <thrill/data/file.hpp>
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <deque>
28 #include <functional>
29 #include <utility>
30 #include <vector>
32 namespace thrill {
33 namespace api {
35 /*!
36  * Performs an inner join between two DIAs. The key from each DIA element is
37  * hereby extracted with a key extractor function. All pairs of elements with
38  * equal keys from both DIAs are then joined with the join function.
39  *
40  * \tparam KeyExtractor1 Type of the key_extractor1 function. This is a
41  * function ValueType to the key type.
42  *
43  * \tparam KeyExtractor2 Type of the key_extractor2 function. This is a
44  * function from SecondDIA::ValueType to the key type.
45  *
46  * \tparam JoinFunction Type of the join_function. This is a function
47  * from ValueType and SecondDIA::ValueType to the type of the output DIA.
48  *
49  * \param SecondDIA Other DIA joined with this DIA.
50  *
51  * \param key_extractor1 Key extractor for first DIA
52  *
53  * \param key_extractor2 Key extractor for second DIA
54  *
55  * \param join_function Join function applied to all equal key pairs
56  */
57 template <typename ValueType, typename FirstDIA, typename SecondDIA,
58  typename KeyExtractor1, typename KeyExtractor2,
59  typename JoinFunction, typename HashFunction,
60  bool UseLocationDetection>
61 class JoinNode final : public DOpNode<ValueType>
62 {
63 private:
64  static constexpr bool debug = false;
67  using Super::context_;
69  using InputTypeFirst = typename FirstDIA::ValueType;
70  using InputTypeSecond = typename SecondDIA::ValueType;
72  //! Key type of join. must be equal to the other key extractor
73  using Key = typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor1>::result_type;
75  //! hash counter used by LocationDetection
76  class HashCount
77  {
78  public:
79  using HashType = size_t;
80  using CounterType = uint8_t;
81  using DIAIdxType = uint8_t;
83  size_t hash;
87  static constexpr size_t counter_bits_ = 8 * sizeof(CounterType);
89  HashCount operator + (const HashCount& b) const {
90  assert(hash == b.hash);
91  return HashCount {
92  hash,
93  common::AddTruncToType(count, b.count),
94  static_cast<DIAIdxType>(dia_mask | b.dia_mask)
95  };
96  }
99  assert(hash == b.hash);
100  count = common::AddTruncToType(count, b.count);
101  dia_mask |= b.dia_mask;
102  return *this;
103  }
105  bool operator < (const HashCount& b) const { return hash < b.hash; }
107  //! method to check if this hash count should be broadcasted to all
108  //! workers interested -- for InnerJoin this check if the dia_mask == 3
109  //! -> hash was in both DIAs on some worker.
110  bool NeedBroadcast() const {
111  return dia_mask == 3;
112  }
114  //! Read count and dia_mask from BitReader
115  template <typename BitReader>
116  void ReadBits(BitReader& reader) {
117  count = reader.GetBits(counter_bits_);
118  dia_mask = reader.GetBits(2);
119  }
121  //! Write count and dia_mask to BitWriter
122  template <typename BitWriter>
123  void WriteBits(BitWriter& writer) const {
124  writer.PutBits(count, counter_bits_);
125  writer.PutBits(dia_mask, 2);
126  }
127  };
129 public:
130  /*!
131  * Constructor for a JoinNode.
132  */
133  JoinNode(const FirstDIA& parent1, const SecondDIA& parent2,
134  const KeyExtractor1& key_extractor1,
135  const KeyExtractor2& key_extractor2,
136  const JoinFunction& join_function,
137  const HashFunction& hash_function)
138  : Super(parent1.ctx(), "Join",
139  {, },
140  { parent1.node(), parent2.node() }),
141  key_extractor1_(key_extractor1),
142  key_extractor2_(key_extractor2),
143  join_function_(join_function),
144  hash_function_(hash_function) {
145  auto pre_op_fn1 = [this](const InputTypeFirst& input) {
146  PreOp1(input);
147  };
149  auto pre_op_fn2 = [this](const InputTypeSecond& input) {
150  PreOp2(input);
151  };
153  auto lop_chain1 = parent1.stack().push(pre_op_fn1).fold();
154  auto lop_chain2 = parent2.stack().push(pre_op_fn2).fold();
155  parent1.node()->AddChild(this, lop_chain1, 0);
156  parent2.node()->AddChild(this, lop_chain2, 1);
157  }
159  void Execute() final {
161  if (UseLocationDetection) {
162  std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> target_processors;
163  size_t max_hash = location_detection_.Flush(target_processors);
164  location_detection_.Dispose();
166  auto file1reader = pre_file1_.GetConsumeReader();
167  while (file1reader.HasNext()) {
168  InputTypeFirst in1 = file1reader.template Next<InputTypeFirst>();
169  auto target_processor =
170  target_processors.find(
171  hash_function_(key_extractor1_(in1)) % max_hash);
172  if (target_processor != target_processors.end()) {
173  hash_writers1_[target_processor->second].Put(in1);
174  }
175  }
177  auto file2reader = pre_file2_.GetConsumeReader();
178  while (file2reader.HasNext()) {
179  InputTypeSecond in2 = file2reader.template Next<InputTypeSecond>();
180  auto target_processor =
181  target_processors.find(
182  hash_function_(key_extractor2_(in2)) % max_hash);
183  if (target_processor != target_processors.end()) {
184  hash_writers2_[target_processor->second].Put(in2);
185  }
186  }
187  }
189  hash_writers1_.Close();
190  hash_writers2_.Close();
192  MainOp();
193  }
195  template <typename ElementType, typename CompareFunction>
196  auto MakePuller(std::deque<data::File>& files,
197  std::vector<data::File::Reader>& seq,
198  CompareFunction compare_function, bool consume) {
200  size_t merge_degree, prefetch;
201  std::tie(merge_degree, prefetch) =
203  // construct output merger of remaining Files
204  seq.reserve(files.size());
205  for (size_t t = 0; t < files.size(); ++t)
206  seq.emplace_back(files[t].GetReader(consume, /* prefetch */ 0));
207  StartPrefetch(seq, prefetch);
209  return core::make_buffered_multiway_merge_tree<ElementType>(
210  seq.begin(), seq.end(), compare_function);
211  }
213  void PushData(bool consume) final {
215  auto compare_function_1 =
216  [this](const InputTypeFirst& in1, const InputTypeFirst& in2) {
217  return key_extractor1_(in1) < key_extractor1_(in2);
218  };
220  auto compare_function_2 =
221  [this](const InputTypeSecond& in1, const InputTypeSecond& in2) {
222  return key_extractor2_(in1) < key_extractor2_(in2);
223  };
225  // no possible join results when at least one data set is empty
226  if (!files1_.size() || !files2_.size())
227  return;
229  //! Merge files when there are too many for the merge tree.
230  MergeFiles<InputTypeFirst>(files1_, compare_function_1);
231  MergeFiles<InputTypeSecond>(files2_, compare_function_2);
233  std::vector<data::File::Reader> seq1;
234  std::vector<data::File::Reader> seq2;
236  // construct output merger of remaining Files
237  auto puller1 = MakePuller<InputTypeFirst>(
238  files1_, seq1, compare_function_1, consume);
239  auto puller2 = MakePuller<InputTypeSecond>(
240  files2_, seq2, compare_function_2, consume);
242  bool puller1_done = false;
243  if (!puller1.HasNext())
244  puller1_done = true;
246  bool puller2_done = false;
247  if (!puller2.HasNext())
248  puller2_done = true;
250  //! cache for elements with equal keys, cartesian product of both caches
251  //! are joined with the join_function
252  std::vector<InputTypeFirst> equal_keys1;
253  std::vector<InputTypeSecond> equal_keys2;
255  while (!puller1_done && !puller2_done) {
256  //! find elements with equal key
257  if (key_extractor1_(puller1.Top()) <
258  key_extractor2_(puller2.Top())) {
259  if (!puller1.Update()) {
260  puller1_done = true;
261  break;
262  }
263  }
264  else if (key_extractor2_(puller2.Top()) <
265  key_extractor1_(puller1.Top())) {
266  if (!puller2.Update()) {
267  puller2_done = true;
268  break;
269  }
270  }
271  else {
272  bool external1 = false;
273  bool external2 = false;
274  equal_keys1.clear();
275  equal_keys2.clear();
276  std::tie(puller1_done, external1) =
277  AddEqualKeysToVec(equal_keys1, puller1,
280  std::tie(puller2_done, external2) =
281  AddEqualKeysToVec(equal_keys2, puller2,
284  JoinAllElements(equal_keys1, external1, equal_keys2, external2);
285  }
286  }
287  }
289  void Dispose() final {
290  files1_.clear();
291  files2_.clear();
292  }
294 private:
295  //! files for sorted datasets
296  std::deque<data::File> files1_;
297  std::deque<data::File> files2_;
299  //! user-defined functions
300  KeyExtractor1 key_extractor1_;
301  KeyExtractor2 key_extractor2_;
302  JoinFunction join_function_;
303  HashFunction hash_function_;
305  //! data streams for inter-worker communication of DIA elements
311  //! location detection and associated files
320  void PreOp1(const InputTypeFirst& input) {
321  size_t hash = hash_function_(key_extractor1_(input));
322  if (UseLocationDetection) {
323  pre_writer1_.Put(input);
324  location_detection_.Insert(HashCount { hash, 1, /* dia_mask */ 1 });
325  }
326  else {
327  hash_writers1_[hash % context_.num_workers()].Put(input);
328  }
329  }
331  void PreOp2(const InputTypeSecond& input) {
332  size_t hash = hash_function_(key_extractor2_(input));
333  if (UseLocationDetection) {
334  pre_writer2_.Put(input);
335  location_detection_.Insert(HashCount { hash, 1, /* dia_mask */ 2 });
336  }
337  else {
338  hash_writers2_[hash % context_.num_workers()].Put(input);
339  }
340  }
342  //! Receive elements from other workers, create pre-sorted files
343  void MainOp() {
344  data::MixStream::MixReader reader1_ =
345  hash_stream1_->GetMixReader(/* consume */ true);
347  size_t capacity = DIABase::mem_limit_ / sizeof(InputTypeFirst) / 2;
349  ReceiveItems<InputTypeFirst>(capacity, reader1_, files1_, key_extractor1_);
351  data::MixStream::MixReader reader2_ =
352  hash_stream2_->GetMixReader(/* consume */ true);
354  capacity = DIABase::mem_limit_ / sizeof(InputTypeSecond) / 2;
356  ReceiveItems<InputTypeSecond>(capacity, reader2_, files2_, key_extractor2_);
357  }
359  template <typename ItemType>
360  size_t JoinCapacity() {
361  return DIABase::mem_limit_ / sizeof(ItemType) / 4;
362  }
364  /*!
365  * Adds all elements from merge tree to a vector, afterwards sets the first_element
366  * pointer to the first element with a different key.
367  *
368  * \param vec target vector
369  *
370  * \param puller Input merge tree
371  *
372  * \param key_extractor Key extractor function
373  *
374  * \param file_ptr Pointer to a data::File
375  *
376  * \return Pair of bools, first bool indicates whether the merge tree is
377  * emptied, second bool indicates whether external memory was needed.
378  */
379  template <typename ItemType, typename KeyExtractor, typename MergeTree>
380  std::pair<bool, bool> AddEqualKeysToVec(
381  std::vector<ItemType>& vec, MergeTree& puller,
382  const KeyExtractor& key_extractor, data::FilePtr& file_ptr) {
384  vec.push_back(puller.Top());
385  Key key = key_extractor(puller.Top());
387  size_t capacity = JoinCapacity<ItemType>();
389  if (!puller.Update())
390  return std::make_pair(true, false);
392  while (key_extractor(puller.Top()) == key) {
394  if (!mem::memory_exceeded && vec.size() < capacity) {
395  vec.push_back(puller.Top());
396  }
397  else {
398  file_ptr = context_.GetFilePtr(this);
399  data::File::Writer writer = file_ptr->GetWriter();
400  for (const ItemType& item : vec) {
401  writer.Put(item);
402  }
403  writer.Put(puller.Top());
404  //! vec is very large when this happens
405  //! swap with empty vector to free the memory
406  tlx::vector_free(vec);
408  return AddEqualKeysToFile(puller, key_extractor, writer, key);
409  }
411  if (!puller.Update())
412  return std::make_pair(true, false);
413  }
415  return std::make_pair(false, false);
416  }
418  /*!
419  * Adds all elements from merge tree to a data::File, potentially to external memory,
420  * afterwards sets the first_element pointer to the first element with a different key.
421  *
422  * \param puller Input merge tree
423  *
424  * \param key_extractor Key extractor function
425  *
426  * \param writer File writer
427  *
428  * \param key target key
429  *
430  * \return Pair of bools, first bool indicates whether the merge tree is
431  * emptied, second bool indicates whether external memory was needed (always true, when
432  * this method was called).
433  */
434  template <typename KeyExtractor, typename MergeTree>
435  std::pair<bool, bool> AddEqualKeysToFile(
436  MergeTree& puller, const KeyExtractor& key_extractor,
437  data::File::Writer& writer, const Key& key) {
438  if (!puller.Update()) {
439  return std::make_pair(true, true);
440  }
442  while (key_extractor(puller.Top()) == key) {
443  writer.Put(puller.Top());
444  if (!puller.Update())
445  return std::make_pair(true, true);
446  }
448  return std::make_pair(false, true);
449  }
452  return DIAMemUse::Max();
453  }
455  void StartPreOp(size_t parent_index) final {
456  LOG << *this << " running StartPreOp parent_index=" << parent_index;
457  if (!location_detection_initialized_ && UseLocationDetection) {
459  location_detection_initialized_ = true;
460  }
462  auto ids = this->parent_ids();
464  if (parent_index == 0) {
465  pre_writer1_ = pre_file1_.GetWriter();
466  }
467  if (parent_index == 1) {
468  pre_writer2_ = pre_file2_.GetWriter();
469  }
470  }
472  void StopPreOp(size_t parent_index) final {
473  LOG << *this << " running StopPreOp parent_index=" << parent_index;
475  if (parent_index == 0) {
476  pre_writer1_.Close();
477  }
478  if (parent_index == 1) {
479  pre_writer2_.Close();
480  }
481  }
484  return DIAMemUse::Max();
485  }
488  return DIAMemUse::Max();
489  }
491  /*!
492  * Recieve all elements from a stream and write them to files sorted by key.
493  */
494  template <typename ItemType, typename KeyExtractor>
496  size_t capacity, data::MixStream::MixReader& reader,
497  std::deque<data::File>& files, const KeyExtractor& key_extractor) {
499  std::vector<ItemType> vec;
500  vec.reserve(capacity);
502  while (reader.HasNext()) {
503  if (vec.size() < capacity) {
504  vec.push_back(reader.template Next<ItemType>());
505  }
506  else {
507  SortAndWriteToFile(vec, files, key_extractor);
508  }
509  }
511  if (vec.size())
512  SortAndWriteToFile(vec, files, key_extractor);
513  }
515  /*!
516  * Merge files when there are too many for the merge tree to handle
517  */
518  template <typename ItemType, typename CompareFunction>
519  void MergeFiles(std::deque<data::File>& files,
520  CompareFunction compare_function) {
522  size_t merge_degree, prefetch;
524  // merge batches of files if necessary
525  while (std::tie(merge_degree, prefetch) =
527  files.size() > merge_degree)
528  {
529  sLOG1 << "Partial multi-way-merge of"
530  << merge_degree << "files with prefetch" << prefetch;
532  // create merger for first merge_degree_ Files
533  std::vector<data::File::ConsumeReader> seq;
534  seq.reserve(merge_degree);
536  for (size_t t = 0; t < merge_degree; ++t)
537  seq.emplace_back(files[t].GetConsumeReader(/* prefetch */ 0));
539  StartPrefetch(seq, prefetch);
541  auto puller = core::make_multiway_merge_tree<ItemType>(
542  seq.begin(), seq.end(), compare_function);
544  // create new File for merged items
545  files.emplace_back(context_.GetFile(this));
546  auto writer = files.back().GetWriter();
548  while (puller.HasNext()) {
549  writer.Put(puller.Next());
550  }
551  writer.Close();
553  // this clear is important to release references to the files.
554  seq.clear();
556  // remove merged files
557  files.erase(files.begin(), files.begin() + merge_degree);
558  }
559  }
564  /*!
565  * Joins all elements in cartesian product of both vectors. Uses files when
566  * one of the data sets is too large to fit in memory. (indicated by
567  * 'external' bools)
568  */
570  const std::vector<InputTypeFirst>& vec1, bool external1,
571  const std::vector<InputTypeSecond>& vec2, bool external2) {
573  if (!external1 && !external2) {
574  for (const InputTypeFirst& join1 : vec1) {
575  for (const InputTypeSecond& join2 : vec2) {
576  assert(key_extractor1_(join1) == key_extractor2_(join2));
577  this->PushItem(join_function_(join1, join2));
578  }
579  }
580  }
581  else if (external1 && !external2) {
582  LOG1 << "Thrill: Warning: Too many equal keys for main memory "
583  << "in first DIA";
585  data::File::ConsumeReader reader = join_file1_->GetConsumeReader();
587  while (reader.HasNext()) {
588  InputTypeFirst join1 = reader.template Next<InputTypeFirst>();
589  for (auto const& join2 : vec2) {
590  assert(key_extractor1_(join1) == key_extractor2_(join2));
591  this->PushItem(join_function_(join1, join2));
592  }
593  }
594  }
595  else if (!external1 && external2) {
596  LOG1 << "Thrill: Warning: Too many equal keys for main memory "
597  << "in second DIA";
599  data::File::ConsumeReader reader = join_file2_->GetConsumeReader();
601  while (reader.HasNext()) {
602  InputTypeSecond join2 = reader.template Next<InputTypeSecond>();
603  for (const InputTypeFirst& join1 : vec1) {
604  assert(key_extractor1_(join1) == key_extractor2_(join2));
605  this->PushItem(join_function_(join1, join2));
606  }
607  }
608  }
609  else if (external1 && external2) {
610  LOG1 << "Thrill: Warning: Too many equal keys for main memory "
611  << "in both DIAs. This is very slow.";
613  size_t capacity = JoinCapacity<InputTypeFirst>();
615  std::vector<InputTypeFirst> temp_vec;
616  temp_vec.reserve(capacity);
618  //! file 2 needs to be read multiple times
619  data::File::ConsumeReader reader1 = join_file1_->GetConsumeReader();
621  while (reader1.HasNext()) {
623  for (size_t i = 0; i < capacity && reader1.HasNext() &&
624  !mem::memory_exceeded; ++i) {
625  temp_vec.push_back(reader1.template Next<InputTypeFirst>());
626  }
628  data::File::Reader reader2 = join_file2_->GetReader(/* consume */ false);
630  while (reader2.HasNext()) {
631  InputTypeSecond join2 = reader2.template Next<InputTypeSecond>();
632  for (const InputTypeFirst& join1 : temp_vec) {
633  assert(key_extractor1_(join1) == key_extractor2_(join2));
634  this->PushItem(join_function_(join1, join2));
635  }
636  }
637  temp_vec.clear();
638  }
640  //! non-consuming reader, need to clear now
641  join_file2_->Clear();
642  }
643  }
645  /*!
646  * Sorts all elements in a vector and writes them to a file.
647  */
648  template <typename ItemType, typename KeyExtractor>
650  std::vector<ItemType>& vec, std::deque<data::File>& files,
651  const KeyExtractor& key_extractor) {
653  // advise block pool to write out data if necessary
654  context_.block_pool().AdviseFree(vec.size() * sizeof(ValueType));
656  std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
657  [&key_extractor](const ItemType& i1, const ItemType& i2) {
658  return key_extractor(i1) < key_extractor(i2);
659  });
661  files.emplace_back(context_.GetFile(this));
662  auto writer = files.back().GetWriter();
663  for (const ItemType& elem : vec) {
664  writer.Put(elem);
665  }
666  writer.Close();
668  vec.clear();
669  }
670 };
672 /*!
673  * Performs an inner join between this DIA and the DIA given in the first
674  * parameter. The key from each DIA element is hereby extracted with a key
675  * extractor function. All pairs of elements with equal keys from both DIAs are
676  * then joined with the join function.
677  *
678  * \tparam KeyExtractor1 Type of the key_extractor1 function. This is a function
679  * from FirstDIA::ValueType to the key type.
680  *
681  * \tparam KeyExtractor2 Type of the key_extractor2 function. This is a function
682  * from SecondDIA::ValueType to the key type.
683  *
684  * \tparam JoinFunction Type of the join_function. This is a function from
685  * ValueType and SecondDIA::ValueType to the type of the output DIA.
686  *
687  * \param first_dia First DIA to join.
688  *
689  * \param second_dia Second DIA to join.
690  *
691  * \param key_extractor1 Key extractor for this DIA
692  *
693  * \param key_extractor2 Key extractor for second DIA
694  *
695  * \param join_function Join function applied to all equal key pairs
696  *
697  * \param hash_function If necessary a hash funtion for Key
698  *
699  * \ingroup dia_dops_free
700  */
701 template <
702  bool LocationDetectionValue,
703  typename FirstDIA,
704  typename SecondDIA,
705  typename KeyExtractor1,
706  typename KeyExtractor2,
707  typename JoinFunction,
708  typename HashFunction =
709  std::hash<typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor1>::result_type> >
712  const FirstDIA& first_dia, const SecondDIA& second_dia,
713  const KeyExtractor1& key_extractor1, const KeyExtractor2& key_extractor2,
714  const JoinFunction& join_function,
715  const HashFunction& hash_function = HashFunction()) {
717  assert(first_dia.IsValid());
718  assert(second_dia.IsValid());
720  static_assert(
721  std::is_convertible<
722  typename FirstDIA::ValueType,
723  typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor1>::template arg<0>
724  >::value,
725  "Key Extractor 1 has the wrong input type");
727  static_assert(
728  std::is_convertible<
729  typename SecondDIA::ValueType,
730  typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor2>::template arg<0>
731  >::value,
732  "Key Extractor 2 has the wrong input type");
734  static_assert(
735  std::is_convertible<
736  typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor1>::result_type,
737  typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor2>::result_type
738  >::value,
739  "Keys have different types");
741  static_assert(
742  std::is_convertible<
743  typename FirstDIA::ValueType,
744  typename common::FunctionTraits<JoinFunction>::template arg<0>
745  >::value,
746  "Join Function has wrong input type in argument 0");
748  static_assert(
749  std::is_convertible<
750  typename SecondDIA::ValueType,
751  typename common::FunctionTraits<JoinFunction>::template arg<1>
752  >::value,
753  "Join Function has wrong input type in argument 1");
755  using JoinResult
756  = typename common::FunctionTraits<JoinFunction>::result_type;
758  using JoinNode = api::JoinNode<
759  JoinResult, FirstDIA, SecondDIA, KeyExtractor1, KeyExtractor2,
760  JoinFunction, HashFunction, LocationDetectionValue>;
762  auto node = tlx::make_counting<JoinNode>(
763  first_dia, second_dia, key_extractor1, key_extractor2, join_function,
764  hash_function);
766  return DIA<JoinResult>(node);
767 }
769 /*!
770  * Performs an inner join between this DIA and the DIA given in the first
771  * parameter. The key from each DIA element is hereby extracted with a key
772  * extractor function. All pairs of elements with equal keys from both DIAs are
773  * then joined with the join function.
774  *
775  * \tparam KeyExtractor1 Type of the key_extractor1 function. This is a function
776  * from FirstDIA::ValueType to the key type.
777  *
778  * \tparam KeyExtractor2 Type of the key_extractor2 function. This is a function
779  * from SecondDIA::ValueType to the key type.
780  *
781  * \tparam JoinFunction Type of the join_function. This is a function from
782  * ValueType and SecondDIA::ValueType to the type of the output DIA.
783  *
784  * \param first_dia First DIA to join.
785  *
786  * \param second_dia Second DIA to join.
787  *
788  * \param key_extractor1 Key extractor for this DIA
789  *
790  * \param key_extractor2 Key extractor for second DIA
791  *
792  * \param join_function Join function applied to all equal key pairs
793  *
794  * \param hash_function If necessary a hash funtion for Key
795  *
796  * \ingroup dia_dops_free
797  */
798 template <
799  typename FirstDIA,
800  typename SecondDIA,
801  typename KeyExtractor1,
802  typename KeyExtractor2,
803  typename JoinFunction,
804  typename HashFunction =
805  std::hash<typename common::FunctionTraits<KeyExtractor1>::result_type> >
807  const FirstDIA& first_dia, const SecondDIA& second_dia,
808  const KeyExtractor1& key_extractor1, const KeyExtractor2& key_extractor2,
809  const JoinFunction& join_function,
810  const HashFunction& hash_function = HashFunction()) {
811  // forward to method _with_ location detection ON
812  return InnerJoin(
814  first_dia, second_dia, key_extractor1, key_extractor2,
815  join_function, hash_function);
816 }
818 } // namespace api
820 //! imported from api namespace
821 using api::InnerJoin;
823 } // namespace thrill
827 /******************************************************************************/
std::pair< bool, bool > AddEqualKeysToFile(MergeTree &puller, const KeyExtractor &key_extractor, data::File::Writer &writer, const Key &key)
Adds all elements from merge tree to a data::File, potentially to external memory, afterwards sets the first_element pointer to the first element with a different key.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:435
void StartPrefetch(std::vector< Reader > &readers, size_t prefetch_size)
Take a vector of Readers and prefetch equally from them.
Definition: file.hpp:585
bool HasNext()
HasNext() returns true if at least one more item is available.
DIAMemUse PushDataMemUse() final
Amount of RAM used by PushData()
Definition: inner_join.hpp:487
DIAMemUse ExecuteMemUse() final
Amount of RAM used by Execute()
Definition: inner_join.hpp:483
data::MixStream::Writers hash_writers1_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:307
static DIAMemUse Max()
Definition: dia_base.hpp:60
data::File pre_file1_
location detection and associated files
Definition: inner_join.hpp:312
DIA is the interface between the user and the Thrill framework.
Definition: dia.hpp:141
std::vector< size_t > parent_ids() const
Returns the parents of this DIABase.
Definition: dia_base.hpp:258
void PushItem(const ValueType &item) const
Method for derived classes to Push a single item to all children.
Definition: dia_node.hpp:147
Description of the amount of RAM the internal data structures of a DIANode require.
Definition: dia_base.hpp:51
void ReadBits(BitReader &reader)
Read count and dia_mask from BitReader.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:116
JoinNode(const FirstDIA &parent1, const SecondDIA &parent2, const KeyExtractor1 &key_extractor1, const KeyExtractor2 &key_extractor2, const JoinFunction &join_function, const HashFunction &hash_function)
Constructor for a JoinNode.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:133
data::File::Writer pre_writer1_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:313
data::FilePtr join_file2_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:562
void AdviseFree(size_t size)
const struct LocationDetectionFlag< true > LocationDetectionTag
global const LocationDetectionFlag instance
Definition: dia.hpp:122
JoinFunction join_function_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:302
data::File::Writer pre_writer2_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:315
HashCount operator+(const HashCount &b) const
Definition: inner_join.hpp:89
void Execute() final
Virtual execution method. Triggers actual computation in sub-classes.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:159
std::pair< size_t, size_t > MaxMergeDegreePrefetch(size_t num_files)
Definition: block_pool.cpp:703
#define LOG1
Definition: logger.hpp:28
size_t num_workers() const
Global number of workers in the system.
Definition: context.hpp:251
A File is an ordered sequence of Block objects for storing items.
Definition: file.hpp:56
static constexpr bool debug
Definition: inner_join.hpp:64
BlockWriter contains a temporary Block object into which a) any serializable item can be stored or b)...
bool memory_exceeded
memory limit exceeded indicator
auto InnerJoin(const LocationDetectionFlag< LocationDetectionValue > &, const FirstDIA &first_dia, const SecondDIA &second_dia, const KeyExtractor1 &key_extractor1, const KeyExtractor2 &key_extractor2, const JoinFunction &join_function, const HashFunction &hash_function=HashFunction())
Performs an inner join between this DIA and the DIA given in the first parameter. ...
Definition: inner_join.hpp:710
core::LocationDetection< HashCount > location_detection_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:317
#define sLOG1
Definition: logger.hpp:38
void ReceiveItems(size_t capacity, data::MixStream::MixReader &reader, std::deque< data::File > &files, const KeyExtractor &key_extractor)
Recieve all elements from a stream and write them to files sorted by key.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:495
void PreOp2(const InputTypeSecond &input)
Definition: inner_join.hpp:331
void Dispose() final
Virtual clear method. Triggers actual disposing in sub-classes.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:289
void PushData(bool consume) final
Virtual method for pushing data. Triggers actual pushing in sub-classes.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:213
KeyExtractor2 key_extractor2_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:301
typename FirstDIA::ValueType InputTypeFirst
Definition: inner_join.hpp:69
void JoinAllElements(const std::vector< InputTypeFirst > &vec1, bool external1, const std::vector< InputTypeSecond > &vec2, bool external2)
Joins all elements in cartesian product of both vectors.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:569
Reader to retrieve items in unordered sequence from a MixBlockQueue.
ConsumeReader GetConsumeReader(size_t prefetch_size=File::default_prefetch_size_)
Get consuming BlockReader for beginning of File.
Definition: file.cpp:73
DIAMemUse PreOpMemUse() final
Amount of RAM used by PreOp after StartPreOp()
Definition: inner_join.hpp:451
void MainOp()
Receive elements from other workers, create pre-sorted files.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:343
data::MixStreamPtr hash_stream2_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:308
int value
BlockReader takes Block objects from BlockSource and allows reading of a) serializable Items or b) ar...
StreamData::Writers Writers
Definition: stream.hpp:40
KeyExtractor1 key_extractor1_
user-defined functions
Definition: inner_join.hpp:300
std::deque< data::File > files2_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:297
tlx::counting_ptr< file > file_ptr
A reference counting pointer for file.
Definition: file.hpp:265
auto MakePuller(std::deque< data::File > &files, std::vector< data::File::Reader > &seq, CompareFunction compare_function, bool consume)
Definition: inner_join.hpp:196
data::FilePtr GetFilePtr(size_t dia_id)
Definition: context.cpp:1200
void StartPreOp(size_t parent_index) final
Virtual method for preparing start of PushData.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:455
static IntegerType AddTruncToType(const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b)
Definition: math.hpp:31
data::File GetFile(size_t dia_id)
Returns a new File object containing a sequence of local Blocks.
Definition: context.hpp:283
data::MixStreamPtr GetNewMixStream(size_t dia_id)
Definition: context.cpp:1217
const size_t & dia_id() const
return unique id of DIANode subclass as stored by StatsNode
Definition: dia_base.hpp:213
DIAMemUse mem_limit_
Definition: dia_base.hpp:314
void vector_free(std::vector< Type > &v)
Definition: vector_free.hpp:21
A DOpNode is a typed node representing and distributed operations in Thrill.
Definition: dop_node.hpp:32
bool location_detection_initialized_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:318
typename SecondDIA::ValueType InputTypeSecond
Definition: inner_join.hpp:70
hash counter used by LocationDetection
Definition: inner_join.hpp:76
bool operator<(const HashCount &b) const
Definition: inner_join.hpp:105
HashCount & operator+=(const HashCount &b)
Definition: inner_join.hpp:98
data::MixStreamPtr hash_stream1_
data streams for inter-worker communication of DIA elements
Definition: inner_join.hpp:306
void WriteBits(BitWriter &writer) const
Write count and dia_mask to BitWriter.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:123
TLX_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE BlockWriter & Put(const T &x)
Put appends a complete item, or fails with a FullException.
std::pair< bool, bool > AddEqualKeysToVec(std::vector< ItemType > &vec, MergeTree &puller, const KeyExtractor &key_extractor, data::FilePtr &file_ptr)
Adds all elements from merge tree to a vector, afterwards sets the first_element pointer to the first...
Definition: inner_join.hpp:380
typename common::FunctionTraits< KeyExtractor1 >::result_type Key
Key type of join. must be equal to the other key extractor.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:73
data::FilePtr join_file1_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:561
void StopPreOp(size_t parent_index) final
Virtual method for preparing end of PushData.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:472
void Close()
Explicitly close the writer.
static constexpr size_t counter_bits_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:87
HasNext() returns true if at least one more item is available.
tag structure for GroupByKey(), and InnerJoin()
Definition: dia.hpp:116
void SortAndWriteToFile(std::vector< ItemType > &vec, std::deque< data::File > &files, const KeyExtractor &key_extractor)
Sorts all elements in a vector and writes them to a file.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:649
data::MixStream::Writers hash_writers2_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:309
std::deque< data::File > files1_
files for sorted datasets
Definition: inner_join.hpp:296
void PreOp1(const InputTypeFirst &input)
Definition: inner_join.hpp:320
#define LOG
Default logging method: output if the local debug variable is true.
Definition: logger.hpp:24
HashFunction hash_function_
Definition: inner_join.hpp:303
Writer GetWriter(size_t block_size=default_block_size)
Get BlockWriter.
Definition: file.cpp:63
Context & context_
associated Context
Definition: dia_base.hpp:293
data::BlockPool & block_pool()
the block manager keeps all data blocks moving through the system.
Definition: context.hpp:324
void MergeFiles(std::deque< data::File > &files, CompareFunction compare_function)
Merge files when there are too many for the merge tree to handle.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:519
Performs an inner join between two DIAs.
Definition: inner_join.hpp:61